Chapter 18

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Jimin's pov

"Good morning "

I said walking to the kitchen after i woke up. I spot Natasha who was scrolling on her phone, with a cup of coffee on the other hand. I heard a faint good morning from her.

"Good morning dad" Christian say to me. He was eating his breakfast i go to him and rub his messy hair. Loving how joyful he was. "Good morning Chris. You sleep good ?"


He said back. I take a sit around the table, i see a lot of food on the table bread, pastry, muffins. I lick my lips to the delicious view in front of me.

I love muffins

My stomach was growling at the sight.

Christian giggle.

"Dad you can eat you know, aunty Natasha and i bought it this morning you were sleeping" My gaze go to Nat and she smiles at Christian. "You are not feeling good dad?" I shook my head as no. "Don't worry son, i was just tired"

I said to him he nods. I wasn't the type to over slept, but last night i was really really exhausted. I take a cup of coffee.

"Nat can you give me the sugar ?" She hands me the suga i put on the coffee and take a sip i hiss it was hot.

"Dad can i go watch tv? It soon the the amazing world of Gumball"

"Yes, you can"

He's jumping for joy and basically run to the living room.
I take the muffin and eat it apreaciate each bite.

Man i really love muffins.

Natasha laugh, i look at her.

"You should have seen your face Jimin" She said while laughing."It was rated R" She laugh more. I chuckled at her she is in a good mood. It's been so long since i saw her laugh like that she's always stress because of work, the event and of course me. "It's not my fault, i love muffins"

I said.

"I see that"

"Christian suggest to buy it for you"

I nod still eating i could hear Christian laughing probably because of his show. "What are we doing today ?" Natasha asked. "We ? Don't you going home?"

"Yeah i have to. I have to take a shower and change but i don't want to be alone sooo, what are we doing today ?" I shrugged. I actually have no idea. "Don't know, maybe just chilling i didn't plan to go anywhere"

"Alright, so we are chilling today im okay with that. This week was stressful anyway" She said stretching her arms. "I practice my solo yesterday" I said suddenly. She cough a couple of times. "You what ?!" She ask shocked. "Shhh, lower your voice"

I said to her. I don't want Chris to know about it. She take deep breath and drink Christian juice that he left on the table.

"So... you dance or you just listen to the music?" I looked at her. Dumbfound.

And she is the owner of a dance studio.

"Nat i said practice. So of course i dance, i did the choreography "

"Oh, yeah of course. It's just strange you didn't want to do it" I nod agreed with her. And play with my coffee.
"I know, recently i think a lot to it and i don't know i just did" There was moment both of us didn't talk you could just hear the tv.

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