Chapter 35

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Maze's pov

What the fuck she's doing here?

She notice me and we stare at each other shocked. Me who thought i wouldn't have to see her face again.

Well shit

What is she doing with Jackson ?


I heard Tracey said.
She must have notice her.

"Hey Jimin, you are still here"

Jackson said to Jimin as he come toward us. He looks happy.

"Yeah, what are you doing here ? I thought you already left"

Jimin said.

"We come here to pick her sister"

He said to Jimin by referring to her.

"What your ass doing here ?"

Tracey snap at her, Jackson and Jimin loot at her confused.

Jessica rolled her eyes and lean into Jackson right arm.

that's disgusting

"I come here with my boyfriend. I didn't knew you guys were so obsessed with me"

I scoffed. The nerve she had.

"You are the one obsessed   if you come all the way here, just to annoying us"

I said. Jimin tight his grip on my hand i look up at him and he had a question look, probably wondering what's the problem here.

"Don't play smart Jessica. I can't believe that you are so desperate that you throw yourself at the first idiots you saw"

Tracey said now in front of her. Jessica let go of Jackson arm with a evil smirk, they are now staring at each other this is my clue if she intent anything stupid i'll jump on her.
This time we are not at work, i'll not restrain myself.

"Why? If i didn't know you better, i'll say that you are jealous Coleman"

Jessica said with a knowing look.

"Me jealous ? Of who please, if anything in this world that i'll never be it's been jealous of you"

Tracey said, crossing her ams.

"Hum...what is going on? I didn't know you guys know each other"

Jackson said clueless. Of course he don't know what kind of hoe he go out with.

"Let them be babe. They are the jealous bitches i told you i have to deal with at work, they always after me and everything"

She look at me and smirk.

"But i see Maze you already have someone so what's the point of chasing mr Keynes all day hun? And it's me the whore here when you clearly play with two men"

My eyes widen with shock the nerve she has. I didn't have a chance to react that Tracey slap her hard in face her head turn to other side we all gasp by the sudden action. Tracey was furious her face red she grip her hair making her look at her, she shut her eyes due to the pain.

"Im so sick and tired of your game Jessica, stop playing nice when you open you fucking legs at every moment you have you bitch!"

Jessica try to get away from her grip as Tracey tighten.

"Hey, what are you doing to my sister !"

A sudden voice said and the girl from earlier appears from knowhere i forget her name. Wait did she said her sister i oohh in my head so this is why she seems so familiar to me they both look alike. 

Healing Him || P.JM ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon