Chapter 43

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Maze's pov

Jimin and i were eating the dinner he had made. We are eating in silence none of us talk, only the noise of the spoon on the plate could be heard.
It was awkward like very, very awkward.

I zone out completely. My mind were somewhere else, i was hesitant on how to tell him, i make hundred differents scenario in my head but none of them were worth it.

I even start to think how cute the baby will be with me and Jimin genes, it's so new for me to feel those things, it's a foreign feeling but a good one i found myself smiling at the thought.

"Okay, what is it?"

Jimin said suddenly. I looked up at the sound of his voice, he looked pissed but why.

"What do you mean, What is it?"

I asked, he sigh and put his spoon on the table.

"Since you come you didn't speak more than 5 sentences, you don't look at me in the eyes. You seems away from here....away from me"

He said completely clueless about the situation. Of course he noticed i was  not in my excited self, i was sad and he didn't know why.

"Did i say or do  something wrong, something that upset you ?"

I shook my head.

"No, no Jimin you did nothing"

"Then what is it ? And  don't say nothing because you didn't ignore me all these week and come here behave like this for nothing"

He say irritated, he knows something was off.

"I was.. i am.. i was just busy thats it"

I couldn't even barely form a sentence.

Great Maze !

"Maze, i know you are lying"

"Then if you know why do you ask?"

I said more rude that i intented to.
I was just nervous and him asking questions doesn't help.

"Maze, look i don't know what's up to you lately. I just want to know what happen ?"

I sigh.

"Jimin, just eat okay nothing happened. How's Christian ?"

I said trying to change the topic.

"Christian he's fine"

Jimin said sternly and give up, he look disappointed. He didn't ask more and remain eating he probably doesn't want to talk or force me. I notice Jimin disappointment and sigh, i stand up my sudden movement make Jimin look at me.

I walk toward him, standing  next to him and slowly put my legs at each side of his waist sitting on his lap. Jimin as an instinct maybe put his hands on my hips. I sigh content with the contact of his hands on my body, i look  lovingly at him and slowly caress his hair.

Jimin was looking down at our position, and end up looking at my eyes then my lips. I bite my lips at Jimin gaze my arms around his neck, i lean down staring at his lips and kiss him.

I kiss him slowly, just enjoying the taste of his lips on mine, the kiss soon turn into a needy one and i lost it.
I deepened  the kiss, Jimin take the lead kissing me hard his grip on my hips tightens pullin me closer to him.
I moan slightly at the contact of his tongue in my mouth, i pull his hair hard and he groan into the kiss.

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