Chapter 14

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Jimin's pov

"Maze !!" I call her.
I call like 5 times to gain her attention she zone out and completly forget about me, she suddenly look at me i think i startled her. "Yes?" She said with a little voice.  "I call you many times you didn't answer, are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry i was just... thinking about something "

She said and play with her meal not looking at me. She is acting really weird lately, i don't know what's wrong with her. She called me telling me that she wants to see me i agree, i actually love talking to her and see her. These past few days i was thinking that she didn't wants to see me again because i haven't heard from her for a long time, i even though that it was because of Natasha since they meet up she act different. I kinda miss her and our conversations so i was happy when she propose this meeting, but now she seems away.

"You sure you are okay Maze ? It look like something bother you"  I ask, i want to know what's in her mind right now that take her away from me. "Is it because of your job? Do you want to talk about it ?"

I said because she always complain about her job, and how much her boss drive her crazy. She looked up at me and stare at me, she tilted her head she was about to speak as i saw her mouth move but she frown and shook her head slightly.

"No, don't worry it's nothing"

She said and play with her fork and her gaze were back at her meal. It bothering me that she didn't want to share whatever was upsetting her, i frown i was mad, mad at her i didn't ask anymore question since she doesn't want to talk and went back to eat.


I was driving her back to her house, the dinner was a disaster. We didn't talk to each other expect for the payement, i think it was the worst night i had in a long time.

It was quiet in the car, neither her and i talk, both my hands on the wheels i was focus on the road, but i couldn't stop thinking about her behavior tonight. I watch her time to time and she was staring at the window not even skip a quick glance at me. It was weird having her and she's not even looking at me like she used to. Im not gonna lie a little part of me founding strange to have another woman, who i just have a date with here in my car because back then it use to be her next to me.

Minutes pass and Maze still don't talk or look at me, it makes me crazy. I quickly make a turn with the car and park in the corner of the road, the sudden movement make her gasp in shock and she looks at me.

"Are you crazy ? Do try to kill us ?!She ask but i ignore it. "What's wrong with you ?"  I asked my focus completely on her, she frown.  "What do you mean what's wrong with me ? It's you who stop suddenly ?" Now she is talking, i chuckle.

"I don't talk about that. I talk about you, your behavior tonight. You didn't speak at all, you act weird the all night and act like you were force to be with me ! Is it that Maze ? Is it the reason you ignore me those days ? If you didn't want to see me anymore you should have say it, i would have freed you of a weight since it's so much for you !"

I shout at her, without meaning to. I was so mad at her, i want her to confess at me her feelings because i know something is wrong. She was shocked, i could say it because of the expression on her face, she frown and sit straight in the seat her gaze now on the road.

"It's not about that"  She said more calm but still frowning, to my surprise she didn't yell at me, knowing her it's surprising, she is calm.  "Then what is it?"
I really started to lose my temper right now, she act like a child.

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