Chapter 16

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Jimin's pov

Exhausted it's what i feel right now, after the practice we have i gave 5 minutes of break. I take time to look at my dancers, they are young and motivated full of energy. I remember be like them at their age, when i was a teenager everyday after school, i will practice even in week-ends. Whereas others worry about their teenage problems and all.

I wasn't really a party guy it wasn't my thing, my own fun was and still is dancing. My parents don't really accept the fact that i wanted to be a choreographer. For them it wasn't a true job, and since i became a young father let's just say i didn't become the son of their dreams.

So seeing those people coming here everyday and dancing with me, practice hard makes me happy. I don't know their life, what they do beside coming here, when we are here at the dance studio we are here for one thing. We are all here sharing the same passion, regardless our differents we love the same thing, when we practice we talk the same language.

The language of dance.

I watch them, some rest while talking, some help each other with the choreography, a knock on the door pull me out of my thoughts.
I turn at the door.

"Hey everyone!"  It was Jackson, he entered the room. "Hi Jackson"
One of my students quickly go to him excited. Jackson smirk at her. "How are you ?" He said. That's  pathetic but what can do, he always have success with the women.  "I am fine, what are you doing after work?"

"Nothing, just chilling"

Other giggles at the scene in front of us while i watch it in disablief. She blush and whisper something in his ear which make him smirk more. They let go of each other and he looks at me.

"Jimin can i talk to you for a sec?" I get up sighing, he open the door wink at the girl he talk to and we get out of the room. "Alright now that you finish flirting, what do you want ?"  I asked, crossing my arms around my chest he chuckled. "Why are you jealous ?" I scoffed.  "Believe me i have nothing to envy you" He was surprise by my answer and i smile.

"What do i have to understand ?" He ask with a cocky smile, i smirk.

"Nothing" I simply reply not wanting to talk about it.  "I see, anyway i didn't call you for that" He rubs his neck looking down. "Everything alright ?"
I asked, i can sense he's nervousness.
"Yeah, hum i want to know if you could give me ride after work ?"

"Why ?"

"I- I don't have my car?"  He said suddenly irritated. I decide to not ask more questions. "Okay" His eyes widened. "Okay ? That's it ?"

"Yeah, you want me to help you i accept. But you'll have to wait till closing time 'cause im gonna stay and practice" I explained, he nod.

"Alright then, i'll wait for you"

I nod and he went back to his dance room practice.


It was the end of the day, like always everyone went home. I was alone in the room, i stare at my reflection in the mirror looking deeply in my eyes. Clenching my fists i take deep breath.

You can do Jimin you are more stronger than that.

I said to myself, close my eyes trying to focus on things that could calm me down and clear my mind. I open my eyes again and smile at myself i look like a creep, i chuckle and go start the music.

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