Chapter 36

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Maze's pov

I stay in the living room with my sister, Tracey leave to her room to let us have some time alone.
I never saw my sister like this, she looked sad and hurt. Her eyes are puffy she had been crying and a lot.

"Okay Jodie, tell me what happened to you to come all the way here hun? Have you lost your fucking mind coming alone at this time something could have happen to you. For god sake's you are only 18. Mom and dad are probably worried sick"

"Okay, stop scolding me. I don't need that, and i take a uber"

I can't believe it.

"And you think it's better?"

"Okay... im sorry"

I sigh frustrated.

"What did you run away from home?"

I ask she still look down.


I said in a warning tone and she sighs.

"Because i don't want to move in Atlanta Maze. And mom and dad don't want to hear my opinion we fight because they don't want to hear me out or understand me so i come here, i want to live with you"

My eyes widen surprise. My parents already told me about it and that they want to talk with her, i didn't know she would react like that.

"What ?"

"Please Maze, i don't want to leave NYC. I can live here i'll not bother you and Tracey, plus you are an adult you have a great job you can take care of me"

She said and i sigh.

"Jodie... it's not that easy"

"You are not on my side, you are supposed to be my sister Maze!"

"Don't scream at me like that. Look you can stay here for the night and i'll call mom to let her know that you are here and safe and we will figure it out things. Im to tired for that"

I said and she don't seems convince.

"If she knows she will kill me"

"Well better now than never"

"Oh shut up "

I laugh a little.

"Can i stay here for the week-end ? I don't want to go back home yet"

The week-end ?

I forget that it was the week-end. I quickly shake my head and answer.

"I'll let the parents know. But don't think you are free i'll deal with your ass tomorrow "

I said and she nods.

"Go to my bedroom you can sleep there"

"Okay, thank you"


"Do you still see, this asian man of yours?"

My sister ask. We were eating lunch in the living  room while watching tv.

"Not only they see each other a lot but they kissed a few days ago"

Tracey said.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me ?"

I rolled my eyes seriously those two.

"Because it's none of your business"

I said not looking at them and focus on the tv.

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