Me:" hello zama " I sit down and look at her behind the stove

Her:" good evening sir " what ?

Me:" zama? "

Her:" yes sir? "

Me:" look at me " she ignores me and keeps stirring the pot

Her:" the food is almost ready, can I dish up for you sir? "

Me:" will you stop calling me sir and look at me " she still won't fuck!, what is it with women today?. I get off chair and go to where she is and try to turn her so she'll look at me

Her:" please don't touch me! " I ignore that and I turn her and see that her face looks red and puffy like she's been crying for a while and it does something to my heart.

Me:" hey, what's wrong?, why are you crying? "

Her:" nothing, can I please dish up for you sir? "

Me:" stop calling me that "

Her:" why?, wasn't it you who told me that things have to be professional between us? "

Me:" I know I did but I don't want you to be this cold towards me? "

Her:" scelo what the hell do you want from me exactly?, I follow and do whatever that is you want from me but it's still not enough. I begged and begged for you to leave me alone but you wouldn't, you kept on persuading me until you left me no choice but to give in. I tried to date but you would sabotage that and threaten them to leave me alone and I have no life besides being your play thing that you use whenever you want to and I don't complain because I give myself to you. I have people always following me, I have no freedom cause they report to you whatever I do or wherever I go and I get introuble for wanting to have a life and then you decide that you've had enough of me and you toss me away like a piece of shit that you're done using and I must just accept and I did exactly that!. You would bring women here and fuck them with me under the same roof and yet still I never complained because I knew my place and I would still allow you to be inside and not complain but no more, it's enough now! ". her tears fall hard with every word that stings my heart and I just stand there because everything she says is the truth.

Me:" I was doing all of this because I wanted to protect you, I thought..."

Her:" thought what scelo?, that I wouldn't fall inlove with you, that it wouldn't hurt me when you tell me that you've met someone and you're serious about her and I have to accept it cause there's no future with us and there never was?. Did you ever take a minute and think how did I feel when you told me all of that?. I gave myself to you with my heart, body and soul because I thought that maybe just maybe you would see me as a woman and not just your housekeeper that you fuck. I know I'm not in your league and I'm not the type of woman you would want to bring to your family and it's okay, I understand that now, but what I want from you sir is to leave me alone ".

Him:" zama I thought you didn't mind because you never said anything why d...." my phone rings and I look at it and it's ayanda fuck! I look at zama and she shakes her head and looks really hurt

Her:" answer it sir someone else needs you " she goes and leaves me in the kitchen and I watch her go to her room and I stand there and look at her.

Me:" ayanda? "

Her:" please come and get me "

Me:" what's wrong? "

Her:" nothing, I just miss you "

Me:" I'm coming "

I look at where zama disappeared cover my face with hands shake my head then take my car keys and leave my house. I get off the car and go to her to karabo's flat  and knock on the door and I wait for few minutes then she opens the door

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