Me:" bafo just tell me what happend " ( brother ) mbuso looks at me funny

Him:" he got a call from this chick he usaully fucks asking for help and said her friend is dying because her boyfriend is beating her up " what the hell?

Me:" are you sure it's about the chick I showed you? , what's her name? "

Him:" man he showed me her picture and it's her, her name is Ayanda Maseko. I'm sending you marks girl address ,go there and you'll find them and where your girl is ".

Me:" okay, send me her picture aswell. Thanks bro " I hang up and sigh

Mbuso:" what's wrong bro? "

Me:" there's this girl that I saw in the club I was at last nght, she was with her friends and I couldn't keep my eyes away from her. I told sbu about it and showed her and now he tells me that one of his bouncers girlfriend is friends with that girl I saw last night and now that same girl I like has a boyfriend and apparently he's beating her up "

Mbuso:" you want us to go there? "

Me:" No, he sent me the address.. I'll go alone. Just go to my house and I'll find you there. You need some time to process everything this bitch said but what I need you to do is to find out everything about Ayanda Maseko, everything bro no stone left unturned ".

Him:" I'll do that but are you sure you want to involve yourself in that kind of situation? "

Me:" I don't know bro but I feel something for her and I can't let it go and not get to know her. If this is how I'm going to meet her and know her then I'm okay with it "

Him:" ok, I'll check her out after I call luh and when I'm done showering " I  give him my keys and then run out of the house and get in my car, put in the address on my GPS then drive out like a maniac.

I get to where they live and It's an okay flat but I hate it because it looks like junkies and criminals live here in this neighbourhood. I stop and park my car when I see Mark and two girls...yes the one's who looked drunk in the club are now running to get in the car. I get out of the car and run to mark.

Me:" Mark where's ayanda? "

Somelady:" who are you? " I ignore her she's short and looks like a teenager.

Mark:" boss you know her? " I nod

Mark:" I'm driving there now. Follow my car " I run to mine and drive behind them.


I don't know if they heard me and what I said but I hope they did. I want to close my eyes and sleep but I'm scared that I won't ever open them up again if I try to. I hear police and ambulance sirens then footsteps of people running and then the door gets kicked open and I hear their gut renching cries it's karabo and lilly. They cut deep because I did that to me to us and I hope they'll forgive me someday.

Lilly:" Ayanda?, awake up ayanda it's us " she says shaking me

Me:" I'm sorry, so sorry, forgive me" they cry

Karabo:" Noo aya no, it's not your fault" lindi says and I close my eyes and they inject something on my arm

"You have to hurry she's losing conciousness, she's going to die damnit" its a man's voice that says that and it's the last thing I hear before I blackout
I can hear people talking but I can make out what they are saying or who they are. I try to open my eyes but they won't open, I try to get up cause I know I'm in bed but I can't do that too because I know I'm in the hospital and I still remember what happend, what tshepo did.

I must have made a sound cause I can hear someone calling a nurse. I open my eyes and its super bright "please close the blinds" my mouth feels like has been stuffed full with cotton. The person closes the blinds.

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