Lilly:" What happend bad was it? "

Me:" Same as always, it wasn't that bad " I lie to my friends and I feel bad

Lilly:" I dont understand why can't you just leave him "

Me:" You know lilly that leaving a guy like tshepo is not easy....he hangs out with gangsters and you know how... how scary he can be " I blink fast so they won't see I'm tearing up.

Karabo:" Eish I know girl, I just wish he showed you that side of him when you first started going out" I wish he did too.

Lilly:" One day he'll meet his match and I'm just surprised that he hasn't broken something in your body yet" I don't say anything because I know for sure he has broken my ribs and he phoned his doctor friend for help and give me something and I hid that from them.

Karabo:" Maybe he'll meet more than his match"

Me:" I curse the day I met him " I really do

Karabo:" he doesn't deserve you, and you my friend one day you'll meet someone who'll be worthy to call you theirs." I place my hand on top of hers

Me:" Yeah right....the day I get out of this situationship I'm not jumping into any relationship, I'm going to stay single for aslong as I want " we all laugh and we continue talking about everything. I don't check my phone because I just want to enjoy being with my friends.

Me:" You know what....we should go out and celebrate, I'ts been a while since we went dancing and I think we should do a sleep over after the club " They squeek and people look at our table and we laugh.

Karabo:" and I know just the place...It's new and they opening it tonight "

Lilly:" hell yes we are and lilly we're sleeping at your place tonight "

Karabo:"so why don't we go and do a little shopping for tonight and tomorrow " we agree then pay the bill and leave but first we go and check shop and tell security of the building that we'll be back on monday and leave.

We go shopping aand I buy a black long loose sleeveless jumpsuit and lilly buys a freakem dress that barely covers her ass and thando cause she's tall she also buys a freakem dress that exposes her long legs. we leave the mall and head to my place and I take all the things I'm going to need for the weekend and leave going to karabo's place so she'll collect her things too and then go to lilly's place where we are going to spend the weekend. We arrive and they get started on the wine that was on lilly's fridge.

Lilly:" You want a glass of wine?"

Me:" still too early, I'm going to nap guys. wake me up at 5 so I can cook before we leave, we can't drink on an empty stomachs "

Karabo: " we are starting the party now "

Me:" alcoholics " we laugh and I leave them and go to thando's spare bedroom. Lilly has a sugar daddy that pays this flat for her and has asked her to stop working because he says he'll take care of her but you know these man they are unpredictable.

My name is Ayanda Sibiya and I'm 27, originally from witbank, both my parents are dead and I was their only child. I lived with my grandmother then she died and then I had to live with my father's brother who took over my parent's house when they passed away. I lived with him and his family until he kicked me out the second year after I finished my matric. I was doing piece jobs by then and I had managed to save some money that I will use to go to durban and start a new life.

I met karabo and lilly when we were all working at kfc. Most of the time we would work the same shifts and so we bonded and became great friends. When I told them that my uncle has given two weeks to get out of his 'house' they were shocked and then I told them that I am leaving Witbank and going to be living in durban and they said they are coming with me because we come from fucked up families and no one will miss us.

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