Judge:" I give you Mr and Mrs Gumede everyone " He starts to clap and soon everyone in the room joins him and they all clap then they leave us with our witnesses. Mine is my cousin sims and his, is his brother.

We sign our marriage certificate and yes we are married in community of property... Which means what's mine is his and what's his is mine. As of today I'm rich.... Don't know how rich I am but I am rich and that doesn't make me feel at ease at all because for all I know he could be criminal. We leave the office and he's with the same driver he was with on Friday. We sit in the backseat and the driver drives off. He is sitting next to me and I'm looking outside the window as we pass building after building.

Mbuso:" I'm your husband now. You better get used to me" I ignore him

Mbuso:" How many times must I tell you to look at me when I'm talking to you"

Me:" Why are you doing this... What did I ever do to you? "

Mbuso:" Your sister fucked with a wrong man and unfortunately for you, you're the one who's gonna be paying for her sins. I feel cold chills run down my back when he says that then my head starts aching.

Me:" Where are we going? "

Mbuso:" The hotel to have lunch with your family then after we fly to Joburg "

Me:" Fly how because we don't have an airport here? "

Mbuso:" You'll see, your dad hit you again? ". Yes and it's all your fault.

Me:" He didn't " He gives me oh really look. We arrive at the hotel and mbuso takes my hand, I try to pull it off but he grips tight then opens the door. Everyone is here, they came here after they left us at the court. I look around and see it's like some sort of wedding reception but it's so heartbreaking for me because I never imagined the day I get married will be the saddest day of my life.

I feel like a part of me died today. My parents are sitting with my now in-laws and I don't see my uncle and his wife anywhere and my heartbreaks even more. We go to them and sit down.

MaGumede:" Welcome to the family lungi. I'm glad to have another woman in the family " She hugs me smiling

Me:" Thank you ma" His dad smiles and looks at me like he feels sorry for me. My parents don't say anything, I think they don't want to and I'm not sure if I want them to say anything.

Mbuso:" I know that this isn't what we expected to happen but because of buhle's actions I had to protect my family's name and honor. So since we don't know anything about each other with my wife here, I was thinking if you all can give us space and time to get to know each other, when we're ready we would invite all of you over and have a family dinner" He wasn't asking for permission he was basically telling them.

MyDad:" We won't bother you. Take as much time as you need, even years if that's not enough" I couldn't expect more from him because I know he doesn't care about me at all.

Fatherin-law:" We understand son. You and our daughter in-law can take as much time as you need and we won't put pressure on you" his mom agrees

MaGumede:" But as for me and your aunt lwethu you can call us anytime, especially when Mbuso gives you trouble. First thing in the morning I'll be there. Don't hesitate to call us ".

Me:" Thank you ma" I look at my mother and she looks like she wants to stick a knife on my eye "

Me:" Can I be excused, I want to talk to my brother and sister "

MaGumede:" Go ahead dear, mbuso will introduce you to your brother in-laws" We go to their table

Me:" Good afternoon " My brother stands up and hugs me tight. We hug for the longest then let go and I hug Sims too.

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