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Divya's POV

6 years later

I took a sip of the hot freshly brewed coffee as I stared down at the moving cars. Rubbing my eyes tiredly because of the hectic schedule in my company I yearned to have a few hours of peaceful sleep which seemed quite an issue.

In 6 years Nalini Enterprise has reached heights of success but with such a great position comes greater responsibilities. I had been so busy that I wasn't able to even call Aryan.

I swiped my phone and saw I had notifications from him. I smiled scrolling through the pictures he sent me. The pictures were of him with our kids in all weird angles and covered in bubbles; he was bathing them.

I am so blessed to have them in my life, I don't know what I would've done without them. My parents and Aryan's were over the world when they had heard about my second pregnancy.

Our 6-year-old son, Ahaan was a carbon copy of his father but he is a mama's boy while on the other hand our 3-year-old baby girl, Arya is a daddy's girl. She as well looks more like her father minus her nose and brunette hair with which she looked absolutely beautiful.

Arya is what you'd call Miss. Bossy, a perfectionist and hates anything and everything not in her favour. She loves having long hair and had an unimaginable love for mint-flavoured ice cream and pineapple pizza which neither I nor Aryan liked.

Ahaan on the other side was more of the reserved child and is the epitome of a pretty boy with a killer attitude. He has this brooding frown whenever I am with a male or if he feels like so and so person is a threat to me. He protects his sister the same way which has my filled with adoration. Though they fight like any other siblings, when it comes to the trouble they are partners in crime and would be united till the end.

I glanced at the emerald ring resting elegantly on my finger, I still remember it clear as day when Aryan proposed me and we had a wedding a few months later with all our close relatives, family, and friends. It was the happiest day of my life, the teary smile on Aryan's face when I walked over to him almost made me cry.

Aryan and I bought a plot closest to our work place and turned that house into our home. A house where I so wanted to go and get a good night's sleep with my family beside me.

When I glanced at the watch on my wrist it was past 11:30 so I packed my stuff and left for home.

It took me 30 minutes to reach home from the office. I parked my car and walked into our home. A frown settled on my face when I saw the lights switched off, I never switched off the lights neither does he.

"SURPRISE!" I immediately pulled my gun out only to redden when I saw everyone literally everyone move out of their hiding place.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIVYA!" I sneakily tucked the gun back in and let a smile cover my face as everyone hugged me happily.

Callum and Nicole had married a year after us and are the best Dashing Uncle and Cool Aunt to our kids. Layla and Vikrant also married and their son, Zayn who is a year apart from Ahaan attended their wedding. Alexa gave birth to twins, Aiden and Alice and the happiest was Emma when she heard she was going to become a big sister not to one but to two siblings. Kyla and Vincent moved out of the mansion and are owners of a successful software company while on the other hand Nina and Gabriel decided to leave the mafia and became martial arts teacher. My siblings are a different story, (no pun intended). Shreya and Shiv had a long way with their journey of love.

"Mama!" I heard my son's voice and focused my attention on him. His raven hair bounced as he ran towards me with a box. Behind him, I saw my baby girl running a little slower due to her short legs but she tried as she ran with a box in her tiny hands.

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