Chapter 41: Betrayal.

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Aryan's POV

I knew I shouldn't have come alone. I should have brought Borris or anyone along with me but it was too late until I realized it.

Callum entered the shady unconstructed building. I parked my car far away to avoid suspicion and took my position behind a trashcan which was large enough to cover me.

Just when I was about to alert Borris and the others my phone rang. I cursed as I picked up and Divya's voice came through.

"Where are you?" She snapped angrily.

"I'm following Callum. He. . . I think he is involved in some shady shït." I whispered quietly.

I saw Callum stand there for a few minutes before he was ambushed by a group of men. He struggled in their grip but all of them were armed to teeth and knocked him off instantly.

"Oh, Fučk! Track me, Amore. Send help. Now!" I cursed that idiot to go unprepared he could have at least let me know.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and tensed as I turned.


"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" I asked thankfully for him being at my side.

"Sorry Boss." Before I could ask him I felt something hit my head. The last thing on my head was Divya as I blacked out.

Divya's POV

I moved like the wind; prompt and untamable. Twirling the blades in my hands I observed every corner of the building. The 4 storey building seemed suspicious even from a distance. Broken furniture and empty wine bottles were scattered around recklessly. The only source of light in the whole building was a bulb with light flickering every two seconds.

I stayed close to the wall as I carefully went upstairs and the rest followed me.

I stilled when I heard noises and carefully peeked, the feeling filling me was much more than just relief when I saw Aryan alive but anger replaced it when I saw him tied on a chair and Callum tied on the floor both bloodied and beaten.

My heart tightened and eyes blazed in anger as I trailed my eyes down my dark chocolate's battered face. A man stood behind Aryan with a rod in his hand.

I observed the whole place and saw Jacob and Cain guarded with his men, smirking as he watched Aryan getting beaten. A few feets away there Borris stood eyes hardened and face emotionless as he saw Aryan in that condition. He seemed indifferent.

Fury blinded me when Cain ordered the man behind to splash water on Aryan. My heart clenched as the man splashed water on Aryan, the water flood in dark crimson as it flowed down my beloved fiance's body.

Aryan jolted up startled and coughed out blood. His head resting back groaning as he blinked groggily.

"Where is she?" I heard Borris voice, his eyes were however on Cain as he spoke.

"What's the rush, as promised she will be given to you, alive," Cain spoke his voice bone-chillingly cold with a sinister glint. He had a hood covering one side of his face giving him an even more ominous aura.

Aryan seemed clueless as his eyes switched from Cain to Borris but he zipped his mouth and settled on searching for anything that would come of help to them.

I took a deep breath and swung the dagger into the first man that had mistakenly stood with his back to me. I made sure he made no sound and very carefully dragged him out of sight.

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