Chapter 16: BABE.

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Aryan's POV

I yawned as I walked into the kitchen to make some coffee for me, it's been a few hours since Divya had been shot.

Just as she fainted on me in the car I drove her to her home as fast as I can because a hospital wasn't an option.

As soon as I entered her house everyone rushed to me while her mum called the doctor, her blood was all over my shirt.

After checking her up the doctor informed us that the bullet had just grazed her arm and that there was nothing to worry about, though she has to rest a lot as she fainted not because of the bullet but due to exhaustion.

I accidentally heard her father say something to Divya's mom about her getting kidnapped by the Russian mafia but before I could here more he opened the door of his study and walked out with her mom trailing behind him.

I thought of asking it another time and went to her room upstairs with a coffee mug.

I heard someone groaning as I neared Divya's room, I panicked and barged into her room only to see my Amore trying to sit upon the bed but slumped back down groaning in pain.

I kept the mug on the table beside and went to help her.

"Don't put pressure on your arm, let me help you." I made her sit on the bed and placed a pillow behind her so she could sit comfortably.

"Thanks," She grumbled.

"Damn! My hand feels like jelly." She leaned on the headboard.

I chuckled and said, "Well that is bound to happen if you get shot. . . kinda." I sat beside her.

"What?" She looked at me questioningly.

"The bullet thankfully just grazed your arm." I held her right hand which was not injured and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles.

"You scared me there Amore, I sighed deeply
"I'm sorry I let you get hurt, it's all my fault that you got hurt. I couldn't protect you even after being so close to you. I should have been more careful." I said softly caressing her knuckles.

"Shut up you dumbo, it isn't your fault that I got hurt and it isn't like I got shot, the bullet just grazed my arm." She tried to console me.

"Look at me, I said Look. At. Me. Aryan," She demanded when I kept looking at our entwined hands ashamed of myself.

She sighed tiredly, "Look at me, babe." her soft fingers gripped my jaw and made me face her.
"It isn't your fault so don't blame yourself, do you get me it's NOT your fault babe." I was still in shock that she addressed me as babe when she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheek and wrapped her hand around my waist putting her head on my chest and as if realizing what she had done she turned crimson and was about to move back but I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me and kissed her forehead, smiling I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of her in my arms.

Divya's POV

"I have something to say, " Everyone stopped their conversation. Shreya and Deepti had their finals so they couldn't join us.

"Go on, " Layla said and then continued to stuff her face.

"Last night before I and Aryan got attacked he confessed that he. . .likes me. But I got all nervous and changed the topic. I think I like him too but I- it's too fast I mean it's not been many days since we've known each other but I feel safe with him and. . .I-I don't know what to do." I waited for them to respond to me.

"That's not the only reason isn't it?" Alexa asked softy my eyes snapped to meet her soft amber eyes, Kyla, Nina, and Layla waited so that I could prove her wrong but it was the truth.

"Who do I have to kill?" Nina pulled out her dagger and waited for my word.

"We are ready too." Layla and Kyla said seriously as they gripped the butter knife as if ready to slash anyone who dared to harm me.

Why am I not surprised, I sighed with a smile and lowered their hands.

"I was kidnapped by the Russian mafia when I was in high school, and the person who kidnapped me was my first boyfriend, apparently he worked for the Russians and all his love was fake. I-I thought he loved me, he cared for me, made me laugh when I was sad and everything was like a fairy tale. . .too good to be true. Until the day of our graduation came, he spiked something in my drink and everything was blur after that...But it's fine now it doesn't bother me much now." I finished my story and glanced at them.

"You tell me his address I'll take care of him personally," Layla said determinedly.

"That won't be needed. He's no more, I killed him when he was sleeping." I chuckled coldly at the memory when I got to know that he not only betrayed me but was also unfaithful to me, he deserved every bit of torture I could think of.

Layla stared at me wide-eyed while kyla and Nina smirked knowingly. My phone vibrated in my pocket signaling that someone was calling me. And guess who was it.

I excused and moved away from our table and answered the call.

"Hell-WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!." My dark chocolate's rough voice boomed it seemed like he just woke up.

I scrunched my face and moved my phone away from my delicate ear.

"Hello to you to bab- Aryan," I corrected myself.

"Can you talk softly, I'm sure people can hear you from a mile away." I chuckled.

"Where. are. you. Amore?" he gritted out slowly.

"I'm in the Cafe beside my office," I said calmly.

"Stay there. I'm coming and when I get there Amore. . .you are gonna regret sneaking out." His voice turned husky at the end which sent chills down my spine.

After he ended the call and I went to our table, I was in a daze a bit scared but a part of me was excited, I liked this side of him too.

Everyone stared at me with knowing smirks and wiggled their brows they looked so funny I couldn't control it and burst out laughing and they joined me too.

"So did you enjoy it?" Kyla asked me suddenly, smirking her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"You enjoyed what, Amore?" a husky voice whispered lowly in my ear and so starts the animal rampage in my stomach.

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