Chapter 32: Stories.

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Divya's POV

"...and she killed her husband leaving his bloody body on the forest borders to be eaten by the vile creatures living there." By the time Alexa finished telling us the tale of the madwoman, there were shivers running down my spine and not in a good way.

Emma snuggled up more into me as I wrapped her in my arms cocooning her in my embrace.

We were all snuggled up together sharing our weird experiences or made up stories. Nina and Kyla were snuggled up together more like Kyla clinging to Nina but snuggled nonetheless. On our opposite sat Nicole and Callum, they were seated in the farthest corner where the lights were dim and they were engrossed in each other talking among themselves and sometimes listening to our stories.

"I'll tell you one more, once upon a time a woman was walking down a dark alley, late at night drunk senseless when a man with teeth sharp as knife and eyes red as blood crept out of the dark. The woman screamed terrified of his large form but he silenced her with one strike. No one saw that woman after that, it is said that the woman's spirit haunts that alley and whoever comes there at night would not be spared." Alexa said her eyes wide with mirth as she glanced at Kyla her lips wobbling slightly.

Emma yelped in my arms when we heard a startling crash and my hands instinctively tightened around her and reached for nearest thing possible.

The lights were switched on immediately lightning up the whole hall and a laugh bubbled out of Emma's little mouth.

Aryan stood near the switches while Vincent and Andrew stood beside him wide eyes at Nina and Kyla who immediately took their stance and daggers out while Callum shielded Nicole as he pushed her behind him. Alexa shook her head smiling and asked them to join us. Borris stood in the far end when I motioned him to join us he shook his head negative and stood there chest puffed out and tensed form.

A hand wrapped around me and Aryan smiled at me as he settled behind me and made me sit between his legs.

My eyes drifted back to Borris who was standing there tense and kept shifting almost nervously. After today morning his behaviour now convinced me that something was troubling him for he was not a man who seemed to be messed with and if something was bothering him it must be a matter of concern.

I entered the gym scrolling through my phone but halted midway when I heard a hushed voice, I thought I was imagining until I heard clinging of metal and walked to its source, to my surprise I found Borris standing on the corner, whispering angrily into his phone, his other hand gripping the machine with an almost aggressive hold. As much as my conscious told me listening to others conversations was not a good idea something in me compelled me and I stood there trying to listen to whatever he was so angry about.

After a minute I gave up because even in this silence I couldn't make out any word so I just stood there waiting for him to notice me. Few moments late he ended his call barking unintelligible things and was about to walk away when he froze at the sight of me, I had kept my face neutral so he would not be suspicious of me but judging by his next words I think my expressions failed.

"How long were you standing here?" He asked almost nervously his ears turning a shade deeper.

"Not long," I shrugged.

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