Chapter 33: Danger.

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Divya's POV

I woke up feeling hot and sweaty, I tried twisting around but was fixed in that position. Aryan's hard muscular arms were wrapped tight around me, his iron grip making it hard for me to breath.

After a minute I gently twisted out of his warmth and took a pair of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

As the hot water flowed down my hair trailing down my body, my thoughts drifted to that night, it's been four nights since. . . since I couldn't control the slight tinge of crimson on my cheeks nor the shy smile emerging slowly.

I massaged shampoo in my hair to distract myself but I still slipped into it and recalled every moment fresh as though it was yesterday, my heart fluttered at the thought of his warm hands roaming in my body, his lips nibbling my earlobe, his body pressed to mine.

A sudden knock startled me and I nearly slipped on the floor if it weren't for the shower. I regained my breath and yelled at whoever it was the opposite of the door.

"Amore, you in there?" I heard slight mischief in his voice and rolled my eyes smiling, who else would be in our shower other than me or him but nonetheless, I shouted a yes to him.

I didn't hear him go and turned the water down so that I could hear whatever he was doing, not a second later I heard his voice again,
"What are you doing in there, Amore?" Even though his tone was mischievous I heard the slight gruffness in his voice as if he wished he were in here.

"I'm having a feast in here, babe." I said rolling my eyes at his antics.

"Want me to come and help you?" He asked flirtatiously.

"I thought you had a meeting today," I said trying hard not to stutter.

"It can wait if I am needed in there." He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I think I could use some help scrubbing my back. . . but then I'll do it myself, you have a meeting to attend right." My voice is breathless and inviting as I tried not to laugh.

"I would have smashed this door down and done things to you, you were imagining in that pretty little head of yours if it weren't for my gentlemanliness." He growled gruffly, butterflies erupted in my stomach as his voice enough was needed to make me aroused for him.

I didn't respond not trusting my voice anymore, a little part of me was relieved that he respected my privacy but a part of me wanted him to break this door down and have his way with me.

By the time I was done scrubbing and drying my hair I heard the bedroom door close and after a minute I poked my head out just to make sure that he really was gone, Once I was sure I slipped into the closet and sorted out my clothes for today.

After I was done I contemplated whether I should tie my hair up or let it be but settled on tieing them in a loose plait, I liked the feeling of wet tendrils of my hair flowing around me, kissing my cheeks.

I walked to the window and saw the sky, dark clouds loomed above signalling the oncoming rain. The air was chilly making me warm myself by running my hands around myself. My thoughts drifted back to Aryan's not so secret meeting with Callum and The boys.

It was hard not to notice it when I felt him slip out of the bed at odd hours of the night or sometimes he wouldn't be in the bed in the mornings whenever I tried to approach him on that matter he distracted me and changed the topic, I was bound to get suspicious, curious after all that.

My stomach grumbled taking me out of my thoughts, I patted my stomach as I walked to the kitchen, on my way I stumbled on the same door where all of them were disappearing. I contemplated if I should just stomp in and ask what they were hiding but decided to resume my path just then the door opened and Aryan walked out with Borris just a step behind him.

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