Chapter 24: From

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Divya's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something heavy on me, I tried to turn the other side but I was being held back. It felt strange when I felt it, just then cold air whipped past me making me shudder as I sought into the warmth next to me.

I blinked groggily and yawned as I looked around, I stiffed when saw unfamiliar walls and was pretty sure that the walls in my room are not brown and surely the most smoking hot angelic faced demon is not supposed to be sleeping on my bed much less with me.

When I glanced back at him, all last night's memories came back rushing to me. I touched my bottom lip gently and hissed lowly when I felt a sharp pinch.

When I glanced down I saw his arm wrapped around me, I tried to remove it as slowly as possible as to not wake him up but he tightened it even more. It was then I realized what I was wearing, a shirt more specifically his shirt. My cheeks burned at the thought of him changing my clothes, I gave up and snuggled closer to his bare chest.

But I had work to do I can't just wake up and go to sleep again. I huffed and slipped out of the comfy warmth of his body against mine and kept a pillow in my place just in case he wakes up. He ended up snuggling into the pillow, damn how could someone so manly look like a cute baby at the same time.

I slipped on some pants and tucked in his shirt after I freshened up and walked out of the room to the kitchen. It was a very hard task for me to control my hunger, especially in the mornings.

The first thing I saw upon entering the kitchen was Kyla sitting on the sofa with an ice pack on her head, Nina grimacing as she moved around the kitchen probably searching for food, Alexa was in the corner whisking something. Apart from Alexa, everyone looked like they just woke up from the dead.

"Good morning." I tried to lighten the ambience but only received a glare from Nina and Kyla and a very welcoming smile from Alexa.

"There's nothing good about this morning," Kyla grumbled loudly while still applying the ice pack on her head.

I chuckled and walked into the kitchen in search of food.

An hour later I was ready with a plate of waffles and maple syrup a side of omelette and bread accompanied with a fresh, nutritious and extremely tasty strawberry milkshake.

I kicked open the door to Aryan's room while balancing the tray of food on the other hand.

I set the tray on the table beside me and puffed out air, Aryan was sitting on the bed his back facing me, his shirtless back. I could see his muscle tense up and was sure that he sensed me entering the room.

In an instant, he was in front of me pinning me to the wall behind me. I'm sure my behind is crushed brutally.

"Where were you, you couldn't wake me up before leaving couldn't is it really a hard job. I woke up to an empty bed. You were not beside me, I was so worried for a second and you were not even in the bed to console me after sleeping on me while I was pleasuring you. You-Yo!" I slammed my lips to his cutting off his rant swiftly.

"And I paid you back by this. Come on let's eat." I ignored his heated look and pulled him on the bed.

I motioned him to start eating but he just huffed like a child and turned the other way folding his arms. His lips made a cute pout.

"Oh come on you big boy," I grabbed him by his shirt and placed a swift kiss on his cheek, after a long time I saw his cheeks burn up and colour crimson. His tough exterior cracked a bit as he stole a glance but reached out to his fork hesitantly.

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