Chapter 26: Heart,

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Divya's POV

I watched as Aryan went through the first aid box leaving me on the counter of his bathroom.

His back was straight and body stiff, he had cuts on his hands and bruised knuckles but he ignored it and went on treating me.

I watched as he lifted my hand and swiped the cotton softly blowing on it. His brows furrowed as he concentrated on his task. I clenched my teeth at the stinging feeling, I tried to pull my hand back but he held on it tightly.

I hissed when his hand went to my bruised cheek which caused him to pull back instantly.

He balled his fists before wiping my cheek with a soft wet cloth. He kept his forehead against mine and breathed in harshly.

"Why are you angry? Are you angry at me?" I said in a low voice.

There was silence as he pulled back and took the cotton and continued putting the antiseptic.

I hissed because now he was doing it more aggressively. His lips clenched shut up as he didn't once look into my eyes.

"If only you had listened to me, if only you stayed at home. This wouldn't have happened if you had just stayed." He said angrily.

"It is not my fault, if it were to happen it will." I mumbled angrily, how dare he blame me for this.

"I had asked you to stay if you would have just listened to me." Rage consumed his eyes making his veins pop out.

"I said it isn't my fault, didn't I?" I stepped down the counter and stood to my height despite the wounds stretching were stinging and felt like I was being stabbed with needles.

"It IS your fault! Don't you know the reason you are here, why your father trusted me? Why he gave his daughter to me because he trusted me enough to protect you and you being irresponsible and walking anywhere you want without thinking about how it will affect those who love you." He gripped the back of my head.

"How it would affect me," He murmured softly his breath hitting my cheek.

"You went out knowing that it would be dangerous out there, knowing that there is someone out there waiting for the right opportunity like today and. . .and snatch you from me." His hand crawled to my waist and pushed me back onto the counter his other hand stayed on my neck.

I breathed heavily his manly scent and calmed instantly. His warm hands on my body made me feel safe and protected.

"But I didn't ask you to protect me, you can't blame me for this," I said firmly as I regained my senses and turned my head the other way to avoid his expressive eyes.

I could feel his intent eyes on me as his hands untangled slowly and he left banging the first aid box in anger.

It's been two days since that incident since I had not spoken to Aryan. The only time I would see him would be when stepped out of his office. Each time he looked exhausted, he had dark bags under his beautiful eyes.

That night he had come to my room thinking that I had slept. I had been crying without a reason and it made me even sadder. My comforter was all the way up to my head covering me like a burrito. He pulled it down slowly and brushed a few strands from my face. He trailed his thumb gently on my lips tugging before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry Amore, I'm sorry for yelling at you."He said softly.

I felt him stay for another minute before he left the room, the door softly clicking behind him.

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