Chapter 9: Memory.

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Divya's POV

The next day I woke up before sunrise and couldn't sleep again despite my wishes but me being the lazy me was still awake in the bed tossing and turning, I was cocooned in my blanket after an hour I gave up and got up, after brushing my teeth I tied my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

I was extremely bored and since it was weekend I didn't even have work today.

Surprisingly when I got down I saw Shiv cooking and Om sprawled on the sofa surrounded by chips and lots of cold drinks if only mom sees this.

I entered the kitchen and peered from his shoulder to see what he was cooking.

"Ooh lasagna, can I have some pretty please," I showed him my big puppy dog eyes, despite it not working on him usually.

"I knew you would come, but only if you get that stupid goose out of the sofa, you'll be rewarded with this lasagna," He said garnishing it without even looking at me.

"How did you know that I was awake?" I raised a brow at him to which Om answered me

"You were not roaring, sorry 'snoring'," Om yelled from the sofa.

"Oh, puh-leese I do not snore" I sassed.

"Uh-uh, your 'snoring' is louder than a lion's roar. I don't know how Shiv sleeps in his room." Om shook his head continued munching on his chips loudly.

"stronzo!" I threw a spoon at him which hit his head. ( asshole)

"OW! Dubiina" I guess I hit his pea sized brain. ( idiot)

"Durak" ( fool)

"Dura" ( fool)

"Connard" ( shithead)

"Id- we were cut off by jingling of coins.

"Please do keep fighting, I'm earning a lot of money here," Mom said jingling her swear jar.

Shiv snickered while Om muttered " cavalo!"
( holy crap!)

"Hun that also counts, now come on empty your pockets, hurry up!" Her brown eyes stared at us full of mirth.

"But I don't have any money on me" Om said innocently, a little too innocently then smiled smugly at me.

That piece of rotten poop!

"Then I guess you are not allowed to drive your Ashton Martin or Ferrari or in fact any of your cars anywhere for only about a month" She simply smiled sweetly at him.

"Mom you can't do that" Om looked at mom horrified.

"Are you challenging me, hun?" She looked at him in amusement.

He sighed in defeat but dropped his money in the jar, mumbling how women these days women are looting sweet innocent boys like him.

"And om hun if the sofa isn't cleaned in the next 10 minutes then you are cleaning all the bathrooms in this house for the next 31 days. Now come on chop chop." Mom said as she left the room.

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