Chapter 40: Fear.

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Divya's POV

The moon was the only source of light decorating the whole balcony with its splendour. The only sound was of the crickets and the whooshing of winds. I tightened my shawl around me as the cold air whipped past me. It was cold out here yet I felt nothing, it was so beautiful out here yet I felt empty.

The past 2 weeks were the most painful for me for all of us. I still remember every detail as if it were yesterday.

I never really liked the smell of disinfectant and medicines which filled the hospitals but that was least of my thoughts as I sat on the uncomfortable and cold hospital chairs.

I felt a hand brushing my hair and the next minute I was being sat on Aryans lap. He kept his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed as I rested myself against him but I couldn't control hot tears that ran down my already blotchy face.

A strange pounding filled me everytime I saw her face. She was rushed in the OP and since then we haven't got any reply from the doctors.

After a lot of convincing from Aryan and Alexa, I went through a full body checkup. The reports would take a few days.

My heart broke when I saw Callum praying for Nicole, sobs raking through his body as he stared at the door. His eyes were filled with a turmoil of emotions; hope, pain and regret.

It was a few hours later that we got a response from the doctors informing that she was stable but critical. The doctor's head was hung down when he said that it would be difficult for Nicole to conceive. None of us took the news well, Callum was dishevelled. I couldn't read his face couldn't read the turmoil he was facing. His hands went slack as he slumped on the cold chairs.

"I just want her to be safe. To live. That's all I ask for." He voiced out his thoughts. The doctor nodded before going on his way.

I heard heels clicking against the white marble floor and glanced up to see a frantic Layla looking lost as she looked around frantically. Her hair was a mess, her clothes creased as if she had just woken up. Her hand rested on her nearly showing a baby bump, she let out a relieved sigh when she saw us.

"Where is she?" She breathed, her red eyes holding hope.

I pointed at the door and without any words, she walked in and I followed.

Nicole was resting on the bed, tubes of fluid on both of her hands. Her face pale and hollow as if she hadn't eaten in forever.

Layla and I took a seat beside her holding her hand delicately as if she were glass. Nicole's eyes opened on instinct though she was sedated she was able to distinguish between us. Tears welled up in her pretty blue eyes as her lips kept muttering one and only one name.


As if hearing her calling his name, Callum barged in with Aryan and Borris in tow. His lips wobbled as he took in her form.

A sob broke out of her when she saw him but their moment was short-lived when Nicole's eyes widened in fear and she sputtered out gibberish. Her frail hand lifted as she pointed at Callum Aryan and Borris.

Aryan stared at her in confusion as he slowly stepped away from both of them.

"He. . .he was. . . He knows. . .Callum. He. . . . ." Her eyes widened as she desperately tried to speak.

The doctors entered before she could continue.

"The patient is overwhelmed with so many people, the ICU is meant only for one person at a time. I request you all to leave it's for the safety of our patient." The Doctor asked us to leave in the most respectable tone.

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