Chapter 42: Gore.

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Divya's POV

A month later and nothing seemed good without Aryan. A month of anguish and despair that never in my life will I forget. I felt incomplete without him, it felt like a piece of me was snatched from me.

A knock startled me as the door opened and mom entered with a tray of food in her hands.

"I know you would just brush my words aside but you have to eat, darling. For you as well as the little munchkin growing in you." She said as she held a spoon of chicken broth in front of me.

I stared at it for a moment before sighing as I let her feed me.

"You know I used to crave seafood a lot when I was having you. There was this stall near our house that had the best seafood but your father forbade me from going there because the men there were not you know the most welcoming but the food there was delicious. Sometimes I used to sneak out in the night and your father would send a search party behind me only to find me there stuffing my face surrounded by the men there." Mom said softly letting out a chuckle.

"That is why I'm the most sensible among those idiot siblings of mine." I joked smiling.

She lightly smacked the back of my head before chuckling as she agreed with me.

"I miss him maa," I said after a moment of silence.

"Why are you saying as if he is dead? He is alive just a bit sick at the moment and I'm sure he'll wake up in no time and be back to normal. You shouldn't worry yourself about it, think about the baby." She gently hugged me rubbing my back as she said so.

The mansion has never looked so bright and full of life as it did now. My parents along with Aryan's parents have come to stay with us. I was flabbergasted to see them standing with their luggage at our doorstep. Nicole was back from the hospital and was continuing her treatment from here.

The first few days were very hard for all of us. That day after rushing to the hospital, Aryan's surgery had taken 5 hours. The grim faces of doctors I had met when they were out of the room had set my heart racing. They said that Aryan had a fractured knee and dislocated a shoulder, his back had rashes and strange marks that could only be caused if he had been dragged and hit by an object repeatedly. The bullet was deep in his body which caused the loss of blood.

They had yet to declare him stable, the doctors didn't give us any hope regarding him just asked us to pray and sign a contract stating that if he-if Aryan died then the hospital or the staff should not be held responsible.

One deadly look of my gun and the vicious glare was enough to set them straight and on their way.

After 5 long hours of wait, they said he had panicked and it seemed he tried to fight back but unfortunately slipped into a coma. They didn't know how long it would take him to wake up or if he would be the same after he woke up.

A month went by and yet he had not woken up, every day I visit him in the ICU wearing protective wear and talk to him, sometimes cry and scold him in anger too. He looked tired and weak every passing day but I didn't give up and kept him updated about the progress of our baby.  The only sound of assurance was of the beeping of the machine.

A few days back I had given Borris and his daughter the funeral they deserved and I was the last to stay back and pray for them.

My phone rang snapping me out of my reverie. I sighed and picked up.

"Are you coming today?" Callum's voice came through the call.

"Yes." I stated and dressed in comfortable clothing as I walked down.

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