Chapter 1: Blood.

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Divya's POV

Warm water cascaded down from her voluptuous body as she bathed, lathering her hair with shampoo making her look more ravishing. She washed away all her problems and worries as she took her sweet time cleaning her glistening body with her soft, delicate hands, unaware of the psychopath gazing at her from the window with lust and hunger in his eyes.

Lust and hunger for blood. Her blood.

Unable at containing his excitement at the thought of ravishing his prey he fiddled with the window and cracked it open.

Hearing sounds from her room she almost immediately tied her robe with her delicate fingers and peeked out, only to find a mysterious man in her room, the object in his hand glowed in the moonlight, Its sharp and pointed tip made it look lethal.

She screamed bloody murder when she saw the man stalk at her in a predatory way with a malicious smirk.

The man had no mercy as he slashed her neck and stabbed her repeatedly.
He leaned back with a satisfied smile as he gazed at her now corpse and licked the blood dripping from the knife as he moaned in pure bliss.

I looked away from the T.V not able to watch any more of this creepy movie, but my younger sister, Deepti stared at the now blank T.V with a horrified expression. I could tell that she was creeped out as well. There was silence in the whole room as there were only both of us,

Click. Thwack. Click. Click

Both of us froze as we heard a sound. We looked at each other and clutched our hands in a death grip.
"Did you hear it as well or was I just hallucinating?" Deepti asked me hesitantly.
I just nodded at her as I held onto my gun which was hidden under the pillow and looked around for anything suspicious.

The room felt cold, the hairs on my neck stood as the eerie silence added to the stillness of the room. After a few minutes, we heard a dragging sound as if someone was being dragged and each minute it seemed to come closer and closer to us.

Suddenly I saw a tall silhouette of a person I concluded that person as a male as he appeared to be muscular but he looked familiar before I could do anything Deepti started screaming in terror and dragged me with her as she ran looking for a safe place, I dropped my gun when she dragged me.

I was distracted so I did not see the man was stalking towards us really fast,
We jumped off the sofa and ran fast, right, left then right we ran to any place we felt safe but eventually stopped as the man reached us mustering courage Deepti pulled a broom and started hitting him with it, but then the man started screaming.

"Stop, stop Deepti! Divya! It's me Shiv," Suddenly the lights were switched on, mom, dad and my younger brother Om were standing. Mom and dad were looking amused while Om was trying his best to not laugh.

I looked down and saw my elder brother, Shiv lying on the ground his hands shielding his face, I looked at Deepti and saw her stifling her laugh, after a moment of silence everyone started laughing, Om had tears in his eyes.

"What were y-you both thinking" Om wheezed out clutching his stomach.

"We were watching a movie, then we heard some noises and then. . . " Deepti rambled on as she tried defending herself.

"Why do you girls watch such movies when you know you would be scared and won't be able to sleep," Mom frowned as she shook her head in disbelief.

"It wasn't that scary its just that he just startled me, moreover I wasn't expecting you all to return this early." Deepti pouted.

"It's alright munchkin just make sure to look around next time." Dad laughed as he patted our heads and went in while mom shook her head lightly as she smiled.

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