Chapter 34: Anger.

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Divya's POV

"Oh Shit!" I whispered horrified.

"Shit indeed." He said grimly lowering his gun.

"How long were you in there?" He questioned lowering his gun.

"Long enough to know there is something going on and you are keeping it from me," I said moving out of that cramped up place.

"It was about me wasn't it, the girl you were talking about it was me, right," I prodded suspiciously he stiffened but didn't say anything.

"You are hiding things from me now?" I grounded stepping an inch towards him.

"So you thought hiding in the closet, eavesdropping on my conversation proves that I'm hiding something from you," He said his eyes lightening as if he were amused by the situation.

He wrapped his arms around me and tugged me to him inch by inch as he continued. My heart thumped as the distance between us closed up.

"And what did you find out, hmm?" He trailed his nose along my neck and nibbled on my earlobe, his thumb caressing my breast.

"You are distracting me it's not gonna work," I said stuttering, trying hard not to curl against him.

"Is it now?" His hand cupped my breast and tugged me even closer until I could feel every rugged part of him, my breaths came out heavy as he continued his assault on my neck.

"Yes," I panted as he ground against me.

"I'm sorry, Amore." My brows scrunched up in confusion as a second later I felt pressure on my neck and then black dots clouding my vision.

Aryan's POV

I sighed at the sight of her limp in my arms, I gently picked her up and trudged to our room.

How could I be so stupid as to not notice her, how could I risk leaving that room open?

I ground my teeth in anger as I laid her on our bed and dragged the blanket up to her chin. I trailed my finger gently on her soft cheeks and laid a kiss on her forehead.

I dimmed the lights and walked out of our room into the hall, time for some business.

Borris was waiting for me at the end of the hall, hands behind his back chest puffed out and eyes alert. Borris was the only one apart from the boys on whom I could trust blindly.

I nodded to him once his eyes swept over me and proceeded on our way.

It was a few hours later that I returned back to the mansion, my thoughts swirling with Divya's expected anger.

When I entered our room she was still sleeping so I released a relieved sigh and went in to take a shower, I reeked of blood and sweat I'm sure she wouldn't want me smelling when she wakes up.

An amused smile took over my face when I recalled her trying to fit in that cramped place.

I shook my head and washed the blood off of me, my hands itched to be wrapped around Divya. To caress her soft skin, run my tongue down that plump body of hers and nibble on her neck until her lips get tired of eliciting those arousing low moans.

One day I'm gonna make love to her on that soft, the bed she was laying on, in this shower until her legs gave out in pleasure, against that counter as she screams my name so that the whole world knows who's she really is, One day.

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