Chapter 13: Death Anniversary.

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Divya's POV

I woke up to tears running down my face, six years passed by but I could recall each memory spent with him like a broken record.

Sniffling I took the envelope that Cal had given me in his last moments.

My lovely Viya,

How are you?. . um, it probably is a stupid question, this is really my first time writing a letter to someone. . and maybe the last too.
If you get this letter then. . this is a goodbye token for you.

(It was a very delicate necklace, a gemstone pendant that had gold and green flecks on it like fairy dust, it is said that it meant to bring positivity and miracles in life and that miracles are just around the corner.)

I didn't expect to die so soon. . but everyone is bound to die some or the other day, I guess I'm going to hell a bit early.

Anyway, I'll not miss you (another lie before I die), I'm sorry for the things you had to face while I was away. I know that a five letter word is not enough, it won't reverse back and erase the memories of all the pain you have suffered here. But even after everything if possible, please forgive me, you are my first and last best friend, you never judged me and understood me.

Don't cry for me if you ever miss me, go to an ice cream parlor buy super yummy butterscotch with extra caramel don't forget nuts and say "Callum is the sexiest specimen I've ever seen in this world." You have to say this to the cashier, oh god I want to be there when you say this, that would be Gold.

Even though I will be miles away from you I'll miss you, I'll miss our time spent together, I promise you that I'll get you out of this hellhole, I know the risks involved even though it's impossible for me to make it alive but I'll try, I'll try for you.

Remember that I'll be watching you from up there, move on in your life and prove to everyone that they cannot defeat you no matter what.

Well, there is nothing more left to say, just take care of yourself and be happy.

The most sexiest specimen on earth,

It's 19th of March today, my birthday and also the day Callum. . .died. I'm twenty-four years old now.

I wrapped the letter gently and kept it safely back in my closet.
After taking a long shower I dried myself up and wore a black button-up shirt and paired it with black leather pants. The color black for some strange reason made me feel confident and powerful.

I saw everyone munching on their breakfast quietly As I ascended down the stairs.
I never had the heart to celebrate my birthday on the same day he died, to protect me.

I could sense the tension as they tried their best to remain nonchalant but gave up and passed me a tight-lipped smile.

"Happy Birthday sweety " Mom gave me a small smile and handed me my sandwich.

"Thank you" I mumbled quietly and left into the basement.

I drove to the best ice cream parlor I knew and bought an ice cream just as Cal had told me, butterscotch with extra caramel and nuts.

When I stopped at the counter to pay the cashier I repeated the same thing I said every time I bought it for Cal. Even though it embarrassed me to the core I will do it. For him. For all the time we had spent together.

"Callum is the sexiest specimen I've ever seen in this world." I said this while looking at the counter and handed the money to the cashier but the person was not taking it so I slowly looked up and my eyes went as wide as saucers when I saw the name on his badge. Callum.

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