Chapter 67 : Spring hunt I

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Situation between Edna and Susan turned more sour as days were ongoing . It was not suffocating in front of world, but inside a storm was happening already ! Edna never knows about why Susan seems to hate her . It is because she is not powerful and daring like her or other reason .... she never able to find it.

On the other hand, Susan hated Li Edna. It was because of her Li clan. As a woman , Susan could try to accept Edna. But her childhood trauma from Li clan deeply hurts her soul. She never able to forgive anyone from infamous Li clan of capital city. But why she is more obsessed with Lynn, she doesn't know. It's because of Lynn's talent or her promise to Song family .... Susan is clueless . Her mind is in confusion. Could a simple help from Song family able to changed almighty Empress dowager Susan's mind ?

Sometimes beauty became madness ,

Sometimes a small help could .

But a promise is a thing ,

that is closed by her heart .

Susan often recite this poem within her mind. It was her strength to be stronger . She , even being empress dowager never really cares and supportive of beauty nor any help from people , which could lead her to be remain greatful for that person. But for promise , Susan could do anything. If she promised herself for something , it became harder for her to break it out. Her promise is her madness. Actually susan is practically confusing about her thoughts , morals and emotions .... everything.

She wants to protect Lee like a bird protect its new born. But she end up hurting her family instead. Still she claimed it as her achievement. Sometimes, in the middle of night , she questioned herself. Is she that vicious? For her ego, she was hurting many. But as a leader of a sect , her heart felt blessed .

Yes , she is doing everything for her son. So , her son could be strong. Live like a perfect ruler. Actually without knowing, deep down she wished to grip her son in her single finger forever.


Soon the day of spring hunt came . Previous years , lots of incidents happened with Edna. She end up being a victim of schemes , her health problems and mourning period of late Emperor Cong kept her inside of her four walls. Thus , Edna never enjoyed this occasion in her life time. But now she is quite excited . Edna wondered if Lee previously organised this occasion or not ! But she shrugged it off. Whatever happened, it is past. Now she could enjoy this occasion as an Empress , she only smiled .

With several carriage and guards, they started their journey. Sitting alone in her carriage, Edna seems excited. It is her first time, she likes her solitude.

This time , instead of celebrating spring hunt inside the capital, this will going to held outside of the capital besides a small mountain village. But Edna will going to see the outside world after many years later . Her heart started beating way too much for excitement.

Soon they arrived at the central of the capital province . Edna felt mesmerised. Widening her eyes even more ,she stared at her surroundings. It's been long since she enjoyed this familiar yet strange atmosphere. Suddenly Edna missed her life in her maiden family. Even through it has nothing special except studying ,still she liked it. At least she could breath properly here !

"Milady, do you want to eat something ?" Lily asked from behind the window .

" No need. Let's enjoy this scenery ." Edna excused her .

This time Edna only brought Lily with her . Having Lily around her , she felt more easy . It's a shame that as a servant , Lily could not share the same carriage with her master. Or else Edna will invited her in already. Edna pitied her maid as she walked along her carriage. She can not broke out more rules by inviting Lily inside her carriage! But she already arranged for an extra carriage for servants. Lily can take some rest there.

The carriage constantly crossing paths after paths. This spring hunt is going to celebrate for 2 days only. Without wasting their time,they had to reached their destination before sunset. Edna wants to walking around the market places ,but she keep it to her heart.

When they reached the market areas of the capital , it was bustling with crowds of people. Vendors were shouting their products name to draw the customers attention. The aroma of freshly baked mouth watering dishes came from the nearby food stalls. All kinds of vibrant and colourful cloths were laid out for people to choose. It was just a familiar yet unfamiliar scenery. Suddenly Edna remembered her first time trip to the market areas. But it was spoiled because of her weakness and stupidity.

Edna noticed that most of the people suddenly bowed when their group passing by their side. Edna got confused. Suddenly she realised, she is now the grand Empress ,not a simple young miss of Li clan ! Meanwhile , many people had widen their eyes , looking at such a big troop.

Not many royal family member participated this time. Including herself , Empress dowager, 2nd concubine Ja , 3rd concubine Meilan with their limited amount of maids joined for hunt . Some of Ministers also accompanied them which were unfamiliar for Edna.

Edna heard many things about imperial hunts . Emperor used the hunts as a military exercise to train their troops in the traditional martial skills of archery and horsemanship. Hunting was transformed into a ritual associated with the elite. Lee enjoyed the beauty of the natural environment, surrounded by the rivers , mountains and forests which is a escape route to provided them from urban life in the capital. So most probably it was his approval.


Lifting the window curtains in my excitement, I forget every rules. Suddenly Lily cleared her throat, reminding me not to lift those curtains unnecessarily ! I only pouted in sadness. It was my first time journey into the outside of the capital city . I never felt so free and content in all my life as I am now travelling. Everything is beautiful including fresh air of nature ! We rarely stopped for breaks .

Soon we reached our destination before night fall. Lily requested me for waiting inside my carriage until the camp is all ready. So , I did wait . It was a little bit cold. I sighed as I waited patiently. After some time , Lily knocked and inform me to follow her outside. With a sigh , I stood up.

That was quick, I wondered secretly looking at her and large tents following behind her back.

Tightening my thin cotton blanket around me, I finally step outside.

I gasped looking at my surrounding unconsciously. We were surrounded by huge green mountain. I also heard sounds of the water , that seems like a river. The fresh cool wind was blowing , it immediately gave me an unexpected warmth towards my heart . At this beautiful place , soldiers troops has set up their tents. Most of our tents were in the middle, I cover myself with the cotton blanket more properly as I began my step forward.

The large tent belongs to the Emperor and besides it's her .... slightly smaller than him and Empress dowager , guessing slowly I walked more quickly.

" Milady, careful . Everything is muddy and slippery. " Lily informed her suddenly.

" Ah ? " Feeling dumbstruck, I answered her clumsily.

" Don't worry , milady. I'm beside you." With a smile , Lily replied. Feeling embarrassment, I only nodded back at her.

I saw many soldiers were preparing to set a bonfire in the middle. Almost everyone gathered in groups to talk or have their meal as it was night already. Some of the giggling maids also started to singing softly as they resumed their respective works . With a smile, Edna followed back Lily into her tent .

" Milady, this way ."

" Yes ." Taking a deep breath , slowly I step into my tent with a new excitement and nervousness for upcoming days.

On the bank of the river Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin