Chapter 118 : Understanding

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"Isn't he the disciple of old priest Jun! Why he's here ?"

Titling her head, the girl wondered. Looking at her surroundings, she found no one near her. Quick she adjusted herself, as she skillfully pretends to just walking out from the golden palace , crossing his path.

"Excuse me ... miss !"

"Yes ?"

"May I pay a visit to her highness? I was sent here to deliver few letters. It's an urgent matter." He spoke politely.

"Oh. Please wait for a moment, I will inform her highness." He nodded.

"Oh , you are ?" Pausing slightly, she looked back at him and questioned.

"This subject is the disciple of priest Jun."

"Please wait for a moment." Saying, she again pretends to walk away for few minutes.

"Hah ! Just got the chance finally. Thankfully no one is here. How could I let him visit her highness? I need to check it first. It's been tough for me to inspect the daily works of the empress because I was sent to do the works of garden department. Finally chance is here ....." Looking at her surroundings, she pretends to visit her highness.

"Sorry, mister. Her highness is busy right now. You may pass it to me if I needs to tell anything to her highness." Hearing it, the man frowned.

"No, I will wait for her highness."

"Ah ? But her highness may be busy for late."

"Oh." The man frowned. It is not a good decision for him being a low servant waiting for her highness. And meeting directly.... it's not seem good either too. Furthermore, it's his first time, coming to golden palace. Before many times, he sent letters through others. But this time, it's for urgent matter. He felt quite trouble. He personally doesn't know anyone from golden palace, not even personal maids or court ladies of her highness. Thinking about giving this scroll into the hand of this girl .... he felt quite not right. Even his master told him to only hand it to empress, he felt stressed. But she is a servant of her highness... right ? Maybe giving it to her doesn't seem wrong. Anyway as a worker of golden palace, how could she betrayed her master ! She will be honest. She will hand it to her majesty.

"Excuse me, miss. Can you do me a favour!"

"Yes." Politely she answers.

"There is something that this subject urgently needs to send to her highness. And now that her highness seems busy for national matters. I fear that I've to hand it to you miss. Hope , you will pass it to her highness as soon as possible." Giving a deep bow, he confessed.

"Do not worry. This servant will hand it to her highness."

"Thank you." He quickly nodded.

While walking back, he pondered regarding his this decision. The maid seems working in the golden palace. Furthermore, she is guarding the front door. It's not a bad decision of handing her the report. I heard that servants of golden palace were well treated. No matter what they will never betrayed their master. He is here alone and it's uncomfortable while her highness is busy. And his master wrote something which is not understandable for others especially those servants who could read and write few . So, there is no fear. With the fact in his mind, the man returned back.

As soon as the man retreat, the maid calmly hides the scroll under her sleeves and withdraw from the place. Everyone is busy. Some were serving her highness, some were busy in their works respectively. Without anyone's knowledge, she returned back to her servants quarter and closed the door instantly.

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