Chapter 60 : Another life with no meaning!

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It was middle of the month February. Sun now set lately than previous days because of the end of winter season and new beginning of spring . Meanwhile , People were getting busier for their usual works ,ignoring cold weather . As days were less colder but dry , people started working hard before the beginning of spring.

Ignoring the weather, a lady in fine clothing fasten her steps as she arrived in front of her destination .

She nodded at the door guard , as he announced her arrival in a loud clear voice .

Suddenly Madame Wei halted in her steps . She took a deep breath before stepping inside her husbands private chamber.

Everything looks strange here . It gives her a feeling of unfamiliarity. How long it's been since she used her courage for making a simple conversation with him ? She wondered .

In the eyes of society, she is a part of a perfect but prestigious couple. They were legally married couple for long but both of them were living like a monk !

It was so strange that everyone from this Manor discussed it for long ,but never dared to utter outside. Madame Wei even don't know why did they both agreed on this proposal either !

It's been quite long already . Both of them now started liking their own private life alone .

She is still the main wife of Wei family , Madame Wei. Her husband neither have any mistress nor concubine, still she don't know where did everything goes wrong !

Stepping her feet inside the room , her heart beat increased slowly. Lightly lifting her head , she found her husband , sitting beside a table. It's been long since she last saw him . She missed him and his all protection . But she hasn't that courage to forget everything and act normally ! Yes , whatever is happening somehow related to her wrong decision and her blind love .

They both became older now. Even if she wants something from her husband, it's not impossible. It's understandable that he was behaving like strangers and maintains distance only because of her and her every wrong doings at past . Thankfully , she could say that at least she was with him , living besides him and spending her last days on the earth !

Looking at her husband. She hold back her every emotion and tears. Master Wei had aged several decades in a short span of time. Sometimes she secretly watch him from afar , but fear for his rejection.

She had failed this marriage. Ignoring her faults , her husband never abandoned her. People gossiped, her own family mocked her .... still he gave her title back - being his legal wife and mistress of infamouse Wei clan.

She is leading a life without any love. She could only sigh that her husband never abandoned her while the whole world mocked at her direction.

While Madame Wei was in deep thought. Suddenly Master Wei lifted his head and stare at her directly . Feeling that familiar gaze on her , she felt like her world has stopped .

Madame Wei felt guilty suddenly. She knew her every fault. But somehow she became arrogant and refused to accept whatever her husband decide for their relationship.

It was all because of her unfilial son , Wei Dong . Her son was her proudness . She had loved him more than anyone. Ignoring her husband, she granted his every small wishes . As her first child , she had a very high hope for him . She was practically living in a dream because of her son . In the end what happened? Her that son crushed her all hopes . He had brought shame on his entire clan . How much she had cried that day , she doesn't remember. But it was all a painful memory for her .

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