Chapter 76 : Choice of path

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Gloomy night , clear sky

A scar of bright light hung in the bat-black sky. While the sudden attack of enemy dumbfounded everyone.

The septic smell of death hung over the battle ground as soon as the unwanted battle started . Men were groaning, screaming and chocking , the theatre of death filled up with keening. Suddenly, several continuous storm of arrows was buzzing and fizzing throughout the sky. Many screamed in pain while others fled away. Some tried to avoid it but end up hurting themselves.

"..... Attack !"

With the sudden command, people started fighting back.

Harness were chinking , swords were clicking and clashing. Out of nowhere, a windstorm of fire arrows was skirling and sizzling through the black sky. Everything looks terrific. Battering and beating against enemies under a sunless sky , with a strong ambition to win following behind. Many were tired still they were not afraid of being loser.

No , they had to fight back ...

Fight back for their reputation,

They can't end up losing this battle !

" Hiss ... " Yan lashed out with a right hook. But he slipped backwards, barely avoiding the blow.

" Yahh _ " Again he used his full power to forced back the enemy. Suddenly arrows kept on blowing towards them.

Seeing the opportunity, the man leapt after him. Suddenly someone tried to save him.

" Hongyi ! Go away ."

Stopping the enemy with one hand barely, he tried to push the boy from this danger.

" Elder brother, no. Are you .... al_alright ?" The boy panted hard.

Both tried to attack the man ,who was still attacking them. For their misfortune, that man was far more stronger than them.

Suddenly another arrow flow towards Hongyi. Yan had widen his eyes. His body already injured severely while he sweat .

Yan immediately tried to saved him. But he was off-balance, so he was already squirming to the side. While he pushed Hongyi in other safest side .

Sadly , that exact moment... his armour completely broken off his body. It was barely hiding his upper body parts. In a fraction of a second, the man could see the unprotected area on his opponent chest where he could strike.

Smirking lightly, the enemies jumped into him.

Yan lifted himself up on feet , and he brought his back foot to the front and leapt , propelling himself high into the air. Thankfully, Yan gained back some of his hidden powers and he lifted his sword in a fighting gaze and slice his opponent in half.

Fresh blood sprinkled into his face immediately and he stood up. He no longer hears the screaming of his brothers , his heart only filled with his firing glare towards their enemy.

His opponent is laying on the ground, dead. But truth to be say , he is tired too. His both arms hurts and he is injured. But he can't delay anymore, he has to save this black sect from enemies.

" Brother Yan ." Suddenly someone screamed terrifically.

Immediately Yan's body jerked from one direction and he kneeled. Some masked enemy stabbed down him from his back. Blood splattered from his nose and mouth , he flews backward. But Yan endured his every pain. A sect member of black sect can't break down right now. Everyone needs his guidance . He can't give up that easily today . With his confidence , Yan readjust his grip on sword and in a quick swing , he slides forward his enemy and cuts himself in left arms.

On the bank of the river Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora