Chapter 95 : Memories don't fade ....

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It seems kind of weird, like the person is deliberately using his nasal voice.

It's amusing yet making me a lot curious about that certain person.

Lifting my head, for a moment I am rather shocked.

It's really amusing !

Standing beside the doorguard , a man in brown colour robe was looking at my direction. With a proud chest and both hands besides his waist, he truly looks like a merchant who is negotiating with customer !

Under the light of lantern , I saw that the person was a bit darker than any other normal man. Squeezing my eyes, I stared at him. Suddenly my eyes got bigger in realization ..... isn't he looks a bit of familiar ?

Do I know him ?

I pondered for a moment. Suddenly I noticed him lifting his eyebrows in playful manner and this made me shocked.

I paused but soon I shook my head in helplessness. Actually, for a moment I'm rather speechless..... looking at that certain person . It's truly a blessing that he's capable to doing this kind of acts.

Childish !

Helplessly, I shook my head a little.

Sigh , that man is none other than emperor Lee himself , whom the whole empire respected, currently trying to act like another person.

"There she is .... can't you walk a bit faster ?"

" ...... "

"Womans !" He pretended to sigh.

Ignoring his acts, calmly I walked infront of him.

"Hey, let's return back to home. It's already getting late."

I only nodded simply.

"Brother, see that's my wife and ..... here, those are our tokens." Lee spoke as he handed the two official tokens to the door guard. I was confused, looking at the tokens. He even came up with this preparation !

"I'm Kun and this is my lady Jin Yang . We are the part of the merchant group who were appointed to deliver raw materials for palace embroidery bureau at department of palace household. We are truly a merchant. Those raw materials needed urgently hence we came to deliver it hurridly. If you don't believe us, you can ask the palace department for a verification."

Lee seems like he's boasting proudly about his work. His way of talking is too different and unusual, yet it was natural. It's hard to predict that an emperor might do this kind of acts. I pitied those guards that they failed to recognize him. A chuckle nearly escape from my lips, but I stopped it with a cough.

"It's enough. Next time, try to leave the palace before sun set. Don't you know that no outsiders were allowed after the sun set ?"

"Eh ? Brother, I'll remember."

"You know now ? Next time, you are not going to forgive. You can go back now."

"Big thanks to you brother for considering me." Getting the approval of the door guard , we left.


As soon as we stepped outside the gate .... can not able to stop my laughter from the previous incident, I chuckled. Hearing it, Lee only cleared his throat.

"So , how was my acting ?"

"It's good. For a moment, this seat is not able to recognize your highness." Laughing, I answered.

"That's good." I only nodded as he spoke.

"Your high.... " Before I could finish my sentence, sensing his stare ... I swallowed hard.

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