33~ battle 101

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>Paige's pov<

I walked out of the Pokemon centre with Samurai close to my side. It had taken a week for the cuts on my back and arm to heal enough for me to travel again so Jake, Milly and Kay had waited in Icarus city with me. Jake had challenged the gym and lost, really badly apparently, even with Torch who's meant to be strong against the gyms Pokemon. So Jake's been training really hard ever since. A few times he'd also taken some of my Pokemon to train with and today he was going back to challenge the gym. After he trained me a little first though. After what happened in Driftvale I wanted to be ready. So Jake promised today he'd teach me the basics while Kay and Milly went shopping (again).

"Come on Paige. Let's get down the basics." Jake said taking out a hand book and sitting on the snow covered grass. He patted a spot next to him for me to sit, which I did, pulling a jacket tighter around me in the process. 

Jake opened the book to the first page. "Okay. First, type match ups."

I nodded, paying close attention to what he had to say.

"Okay let's see... you have mostly Psychic types so let's start there."


"Psychic types, like Samurai, Gardenia and Gummie and weak to bug, ghost and dark types. Psychic type moves also don't affect dark type Pokemon at all."


"But psychic types are super effective against fighting and poison types so when battling them use your psychic type moves unless its a duel type and they don't match up."


"Okay, let's see... Samurai is a duel Psychic/Fighting which means in addition to psychic type weaknesses its also weak to psychic, flying and fairy. However, because of his psychic typing it negates his weakness to psychic making it normal effectiveness and his fighting typing negates his weakness to dark types."


"But fighting types are also strong against steel, dark, rock, normal and ice."

Double nod.

"You getting this?"


"Are you just nodding for the sake of nodding?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head and smiled up at him.

"Okay... let's see... next we'll do water. Water types, like Miku, are weak against grass and electric type moves. They are strong against ground, fire and rock types."


"Now... Nyuu is a bug and grass type so she's got a four times weakness to fire type moves so try and avoid them."


Basically this went on for the rest of the morning until I'd understood all mine and Jake's Pokemon's strengths and weakness. Leavening very few other types for later. Now we were putting what I'd learnt to test in a battle.

"Okay, go King." Jake said sending out his crab Pokemon. "So what should you use Paige?"

Umm... let's see. King is a Dark/water type meaning the Pokemon I have with an advantage is Nyuu being a grass type, Gardenia being a fairy type and Samurai being a Fighting type.

:Samurai, do you want to do this battle?:

~You bet I do.~ Samurai smirked running to his spot.

"Good choice. Now do you remember the move I taught Samurai?"


"Okay then, lets get this battle started. You go first."


:Samurai, Brick Break: I called to him. Jake had taught him that while training.

Samurai ran in at King, the blade on his left arm growing longer while a glowing white aura coated the blade.

"King dodge!" Jake called.

King jumped back from the attack but Samurai swung again catching King's chest making him slide backwards.

"Good job Paige, now Crab Hammer King!"

King's right claw glowed white as he slammed it into Samurai. He crossed his arms in front of him to block, he slid back a bit.

:Come on Samurai! You can do this!: I cheered him on.

Samurai didn't answer but he gritted his teeth and pushed King off, slamming a Brick Break into him strait after.

~Craw!~ King yelled out, pushing himself up with his spiny legs.

"King, are you still alright to battle?" Jake asked.

King nodded stubbornly. ~Raw-Crawdaunt.~

"Okay then, Vice Grip!"

King rushed in and clamped his claw over Samurai's arm making him cry out in pain.

:Samurai, are you alright?:

~I'm fine Paige, what do you want me to do next?~ He was obviously in pain but still willing to fight for me.

:Use Teleport to get away!: I ordered.

My blade Pokémon nodded disappearing in a flash of blight pink light. For a moment, Samurai was no where to be seen before he appeared right in front of me. He smirked at the bewildered King, raising his bladed arms in a taunting manner.

"Vice grip again!" Jake ordered.

King charged in on Samurai, his claw outstretched and ready to clamp down on Samurai once more.

:Leaf Blade quickly!: I ordered hoping to counter the attack.

Samurai's arm glowed green and he dashed towards the charging crab like Pokémon. With a grunt, he slammed it into King making the him falter and fall to the ground, not getting back up again after.

"And Samurai wins, the match goes to Paige!" Milly's voice called from the side lines.

When did she get there?

"Great job Paige." Jake smiled, returning King. "You're getting good."

I put my hands on my hips and stuck out my chest proudly.

Samurai came up and poked my chest making me fall back on my butt. ~Don't get a big head missy.~


He just smiled and stuck his hand out. ~What? You're growing up to fast.~

Everyone else just cracked up laughing while I just pouted but I could help but crack a smile before laughing along with them.


Yay I finally got off my lazy butt and wrote a chapter. Sorry I got some new pet chickens and I've been busy getting their coop set up. I have three now, Moxie, Sofie and Zoe. They're adorable. Anyway, sorry this chapter sucks I'm sore and tired so...

Bye!!!! *goes back to watching Once upon a time*

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