23~ I'll take care of you

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~N's pov

Paige soon fell fast asleep in my arms so I gently laid her down in her bed, pulling the covers over her. It was late at night and she was probably scared and tired so it was best for her to be resting. She deep into snuggled into the covers, looking so innocent and venerable it was impossible to comprehend why anyone would want to hurt her. Her cheeks were wet from crying but otherwise, had a peaceful face. She looked cute lying there, and innocent. Why anyone would even want to hurt her was beyond me. She was kind and sweat and adorable... She was like a little sister to me, maybe more.

I left her room quietly, not wanting to wake Paige up. I didn't want to leave her like this but I had to. Right now I needed to speak with Ghetsis. Paige did not belong here. She belonged in the real world with her friends and Pokemon. Where she could grow and enjoy her life. Unlike here where she is treated like a worthless object. She was to young and innocent to be here where I could barely protect her anymore.

First though, I needed to speak with Anthea and Concordia. If Paige was going to stay here for a while I'd make sure she at least had a more comfortable room not the crappy cell she's had for the past seven years of her life... and a chain! What was with that!? Geez she's only a child.

"Hey N-nnnn!" A girly voice greeted from behind.

Oh great...

I turned to see one of Team Plasma's elite division, a girl a little older than Paige called Nicole, come running up to me.

"Did you hear what I did? I brought in the runaway all on my own." She said proudly.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "If were you, I'd get as far away from me as possible then."

"But I'm meant to get a promotion." She pouted.

"You'd be lucky to get away with toilet cleaner at this point now get away from me." I said glaring at her.

She'd been trying to impress me since her first day here and it was getting annoying. Especially how she was looking down on Paige.

"But why? Didn't you like my job at bringing in that weak little runt?" She pouted.

I glared harder. "You listen up, if you ever speak about Paige like that again I will put you in her place. Is that understood?"

Her eyes widened but she nodded and scampered off. Good riddance, annoying peice of Tauros-crap.

I shook my head and went to find my foster sisters. I wasn't as close to them as I was to Paige but they helped me take care if her when I couldn't be here for her.

Anthea and Concordia were in the kitchens, working on dinner for some Pokemon but smiled and stopped there work when I entered.

"How are you doing N?" Anthea smiled.

I shrugged and gave a hurried reply. "Listen I want you to do up one of the spare rooms special for Paige." I told them. "And make sure she's taken care of."

Anthea and Concordia exchanged worried glances.

"Has Ghetsis approved? You know he doesn't like her to begin with, this may make things worse for her." Concordia said.

I shook my head. "I'll deal with Ghetsis but please just do it. She deserves more than what she's given."

Anthea smiled. "Does N have a little crush?"

"Umm... No..." I said feeling my face heat up. Maybe I had a tiny crush on Paige... A tiny one.

"Aww how sweet." Concordia giggled.

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