25~ An Angel's hope

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~Paige's pov

N pulled me gently onto his lap. I felt safe with him, I always had. Since day one here he'd was there for me. He made me smile, he made me laugh, he made being here bearable. If he hadn't been here for me who knows how things would of turned out.

My arms, legs, stomach, back, ankle, cheek, everything hurt. My left ankle was now bandaged up but it was still in a lot of pain. I'd never really been in a lot of pain before, in the seven years I was here the most the ever happened was Ghetsis or grunts would hit me hard and frighten me but that wasn't hard to do. N never let anyone do anything else which is why he probably felt so bad about letting it happen this time.

N's X-transceiver buzzed, breaking our peaceful silence and he checked it, frowning. "I'm sorry Paige I need to go." He said reluctantly.

I frowned and shook my head, clinging to his arm. I was afraid that if he left then Ghetsis would tell the grunts to hurt me again and I was still very sore from before. I didn't want to be alone again.

N sighed and gently stroked my hair. "You'll be alright Paige. I'm going to tell all the grunts that no one is allowed to come into here apart from myself, Anthea and Concordia. Alright? No one is going to hurt you again."

I looked up into his blue-grey eyes. I still didn't want him to leave. I felt safe with N and I knew if he was around no one would hurt me. I silently begged for him to stay with me, silently beg him to protect me.

N sighed and brought me into a hug. "You're going to be fine Paige I promise." He said gently, pulling back. "Here this is Angel, she's a very... unique Eevee, she is very clever. More so then most." N said handing me a Pokéball, smiling.

I let go of N and accepted the Pokéball, the smooth familiar surface made me think of my own Pokemon. I missed them all a lot.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?"

I hesitated before nodding. I didn't want to be left alone again but at least I'll have Angel with me now. N hesitated for a moment before leaving silently. Pausing at the door for a moment to look at me as I just sorta sat on the bed looking sadly at him go.

"I'll be right back." Was all he said before leaving.

The door shut silently leaving me alone. I looked down at the Pokeball in my hands. I held it up and pressed the centre button, letting out Angel the Eevee... What ever that was.

Angel turned out to be a small brown fox Pokemon much like N's Zoroa. She had chestnut brown fur and a scruffy creamy brown mane like collar around her neck. She had a large fluffy brown tail with a creamy tip, the same colour as her mane.

~Vee?~ She said cocking her head to the side.

I smiled a little even though I was sore and scared and sad. The brown Pokemon smiled back and jumped onto my lap. She stood on her back paws, reached up and gently batted my nose playfully.

I giggled a little as Eevee jumped onto my shoulders and gave me bunny ears with her front paws. I pulled her off my shoulders and gave her a hug. She snuggled into my arms.

:Guess its just you and me: I said more to myself.

Angel looked up at me and nodded.

I stared at her in surprise. :can you hear me?: I asked not expecting an answer. She didn't look like a Psychic type.

~Vee Eevee!~ She nodded.

So that's what N meant by clever... right? I don't think Eevee's can normally do this.

I looked around my new room. It was like one that I'd always dreamed of when I was younger. It had a large cubby house in one corner and a large pile of stuffed toys and cushions in another. There were also three different doors. One was to get in and out of the room and one I guess led to a bathroom but I'm not sure about the last one. My bed was in the middle of the back room, opposite from the door and the doors were along the left wall and the cushion corner and cubby house to the right. The room had a pink and blue theme with colourful pictures of Pokemon and landscapes decoration the wall.

:So what do you want to do Angel?: I asked the small brown Pokemon on my.

~Vee!~ She squeaked leaping over to the castle like cubby house.

:Alrighty then: I giggled and chased after her, once again forgetting about my bruised body to have fun. I guess that was just me though.


~Jake's pov

I ran my fingers through my dark brown hair and sighed. How could a van just disappear? It was just impossible. Makayla's lead turned out to be a transport can transporting goods to the market and we haven't had another person see the van.

Where are you Paige?

I looked up at the sun shinning it was a nice day but I was still worried. The way I'd seen the girl treat Paige before she took her made me worry if she was hurt. Paige was small and if se didn't have her Pokemon she'd be helpless.

"Jake, she's going to be fine." Milly said putting her hand on my shoulder, she didn't sound to sure but she was trying to make me feel better. "She has her Pokemon with her. Right?"

I just sighed and shook my head walking past another ally.

Out of the ally a slight rustling sound could be heard. I hesitated for a moment and a Purrlion jumped out, a peice of folded up paper held firmly between its teeth.

It cocked its head to the side and looked at me before blinking and placing the paper at my feet and running off.

I bent down at picked up the paper. It was a letter. This confused me. Who was this for? Me?

Letting curiosity get the better if me I opened it.

-To friends of Paige

Well I'm Paige's friend so that made it for me. Or could mean another Paige? How many Paige's could be missing around here?

I don't have much time to write so I'm going to ask you to meet me at Mistralton city. Paige is safe but I don't know how long I can protect her if she stays so I'm going to help her get out. But I don't want her to be on her own, she need a people who care for her to protect her and since she knows you you're the only people I can trust her with. So please head to Mistralton city without delay, the shorter she stay the better for her it will be.


As soon as I was finished reading I took off to find my sister and Makayla.

Hold on Paige, we're coming for you.


Yay!!! Paige is getting rescued!!!

Hehe, I have the day off school cause its like 40 degrees today \(^0^)/ so while all my friends are doing PE I'm sitting in the air conditioned lounge room about to go swimming in my pool.

Bye SMG OUT!!!

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