4~ not that way

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>Paige's pov<

The ocean so blue and sky so light.

Good does come, scares evil's fright.

Love of generosity, honesty with loyalty

Kindness is innocence, heart so strong

Love of life, love of joy. My chosen child, strong at heart you shale be.

Drive out the bad ground and seed the tree.

I looked around and saw nothing but the aqua blue swirling water. It spun around me, carrying me deeper and deeper below the surface. I didn't have any trouble breathing, in fact, I was breathing easier then I ever had despite being under water. I could see miles in all directions but the world around me seemed dead of any life besides the dancing seaweed, reaching their leaves towards the sun and the rainbow coral growing on the rocks nearby.

The sea around me seemed to whisper unknown words so quietly I couldn't make it out properly.

~Come now child, you need not fear.~ The voice was so calming yet strange to me. I couldn't see anyone who had spoken the words. I twirled around as I was pulled further below the surface.


The soft voice sounded familiar but distant as if speaking through a wall.

By now I had hit the bottom of the sea, a cave rose in front of me. Darkness shrouded the entrance but the vibe emitted from the cave was much more calming and peaceful then someone would normally find in the dark.


Two yellow lights lit up the cave but didn't reveal anything within. It didn't take me long to realise that the lights were two yellow eyes staring at me calmly. They didn't move, didn't blink didn't do anything but stare at me as if examining my every detail. The eyes seemed smile with delight but I couldn't see anything but the eyes of what I'm guessing was a vast Pokemon before me.


I woke up with a start and shot straight up from my dream.

What just happened..?

~You fell asleep during the battle.~ Samurai answered.


~Don't mention it, also Jake won his battle.~ He replied with a smirk.

:That would be an important fact to know: I said, shaking the last vivid images from my dream from my mind.

"Did you watch any of my battle?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

I nodded and gave an awkward smile.

"Who won then?"

I pointed to Jake and he frowned. "No I lost."

:SAMURAI!!! You tricked me: I pouted.

Samurai burst out laughing. ~Sorry I couldn't resist.~

:I'll get you back:

~Sure sure.~

I gave him a death glare and he just smirked.

"Well lets go." Jake rolled his eyes.

I nodded and jumped up, skipping down the path again as happily as I'd spent the whole day so far.

"Paige, it's this way."

I sweat dropped and started walking down the way.

I knew that. I flashed them my Blackboard on my way past.

"Really?" Jake rolled his eyes.

~I'm sure you did.~ Samurai smirked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and continued skipping, occasionally stopping to look at a flower or touch a tree. You know, normal stuff.

The path was full of life. Flowers danced in the windy breeze, stretching their petals of every colour towards the sun. Small brown Pokemon ran around, barking out their name to be 'Lilliepup'. They chased each other around, yapping at each out her while trying to catch their own tails until they fell down from dizziness.

Small purple Pokemon sat on nearby logs, giving sly looks at whoever or whatever passed. The Pokemon looked quite cute but at the same time some what scary as if they were about to leap out at whatever they saw. They purred out their own names and I was able to piece them together enough to fingers out their names to be 'Purrlion'.

They final Pokemon I could see were grey flying Pokemon that spent their time cooing out to each other. They watched me pass cautiously but at the same time with curiousness. They called out to each other while I did so, proabably discussing weather or not I was a threat. The 'Pidove' were the only Pokemon so far that I could recognise but fascinated me all the same.

The nearby trees were just regrowing their leaves after what I'm assuming was winter had just passed. The cold had made them shed their leaves which I found strange. Wouldn't keeping the leaves keep them warmer then letting them fall and die for the winter? Either way the new warmth allowed them to grow new leaves and even flowers for some of the lucky ones. I guess some if the flowers should eventually turn into fruit for the wild Pokemon living in this route and passing trainers who wanted something to eat.

The sound of a nearby river bubbled through the air, though I could no longer see the river from before I could tell it was still nearby.

I spun around with joy, leaping in the air before falling on the grass. I giggled to myself and sat up to see Samurai giving me a 'what-are-you-doing' look. I just smiled at him before jumping up and running off once more, pure joy running through my veins.

I ran to the top of a hill, following the path we were traveling in of course, and saw a city below me. I beamed at the sight. It looked so big and even from here I could hear the sounds of cars driving along the streets and the honking of boats in the docks of the city.

Samurai and Gardenia soon joined my side, looking just as interested in the city as I was.

:It's so big!: I exclaimed.

~It is.~ Gardenia nodded.

Jake and Milly had caught up with us and invited us to follow them down into the city below. Of course I happily joined them, running slightly in front of them.


Sorry for the really short chapter and taking sooo long to update I've been having writers block and I really suck at fillers and stuff but next chapter will be better and longer. Promise.

I've already got some of the next chapter planned sooo... yeah.

Bye-bye now.

SMG OUT!!! (^_^)/

Edit- not short anymore... Well as short.

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