19~ on the road again

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"On the road again, I just can't wait to get on the road again~!" Kay sung at the top of lungs while we traveled towards Driftvale city.

~Lilli pup pup pup!~ Milly's new Lilliepup, Scout chimed in happily.

Milly had caught him when it stole her lunch earlier. It was funny to see Milly chasing around the small puppy... but it took like and hour to get Miku to put her chainsaw down.

Where did she even get that? It was bigger than she was.

Miku was skipping along happily humming a pretty tune while Samurai and Gardenia were having there own convocation in Pokétalk. Nyuu was sleeping on my head and Gummie was doing loop-ta-loops in the sky. Milly was cooing over her new Lilliepup while Jake talked to Kay about training and whatnot.

Leaving me just walking silently, pondering on my own silent thoughts.

What had the grunt meant by Lord N? and what made Samurai go on edge about it?

The two knew each other quite well and N never kept secrets from me or ever even lied to me. Or at least that's what he says... but that would be lying. N gave me Samurai and Gardenia as an egg for my eighth birthday to help keep me company since he couldn't be with me all the time. Why would Samurai not trust him? Well N is Ghetsis's son... and if Ghetsis was the leader of Team Plasma was N apart of it to?

Nothing made sense but I guess that's just the real world. Back at the Plasma base there wasn't really any mysteries other then why I was brought there in the first place, which still remains a mystery. But out here it was different. More like every man for himself rather than one person cares for another like N had always done for me.

7 years is a long time to be separated from people and a lot had changed since I was 7.

"Earth to Paige, Earth to Paige." Someone said waving a hand in front of my face.

I blinked in surprise and looked to see Jake smirking at me. "For a second I thought you'd gone deaf as well as mute."

I punched him in the arm, as hard as I could which wasn't very hard, and glared at him but he seemed unfazed.

"I was going to ask you, why don't you keep your Pokemon in there Pokèballs?" Jake asked.

I thought about this. Cause they prefer to be free, I spent 7 years locked up and hated every moment of it. So why should I keep my Pokemon locked up in there Pokéballs? I wrote on my little black board.

Jake nodded at my reply. "Fair enough."

~Maaaaaammmmmmmaaaaaaa Miku hungy!~ Miku pouted loudly. ~And Miku feet sore!~

I smiled and picked Miku off the ground, letting her snuggle into my arms.

:Gardenia, mind asking Jake when we're gonna stop?:

~On it.~ She smiled and nodded before she asked Jake the question.

"Well Driftvale city is just beyond that bridge there, we can stay the night there." Jake explained.

:Sound good to you Miku?:

~Mana sound good! Mana sound good!~

I giggled. The way Miku talked was so kawaii. She spoke with her name like normal Pokemon do but could also speak human as well as telypacally or what ever the word was.

We walked into the bridge and I immediately ran to the edge and peered over looking at the churning sea below. The water was full of water type Pokemon swimming gracefully.

~Mana swim! Pwease mama!~ Miku said pointing to the water.

:Maybe later Miku: I said patting her head. :We need to get to Driftvale city and you said you were hungry:

~Okay mama.~ Miku said sounding slightly disappointed but soon purked up and continued skipping happily.

~Sew addle?~ Nyuu mumbled waking up.

I reached up and patted her head.

"Come on Paige, we're almost there." Jake called out.

I turned around and followed him walking along the railing so I could still see the swirling sea below.

We entered Driftvale to be met with a small garden. Small hedges separated it into smaller parts and different Pokemon statues stood proud and tall in certain places. Wild flowers grew here and there decorating the garden with there spectacular beauty.

I smiled and skipped through the garden looking happily at the pretty scenery.

Wild Pokemon played in every corner, care free as can be and without a care in the world.

This is how this should be, peaceful and free from pain. Free from pain, free from capture and free to be what you want.


Hey peeps, exams are over so I updated. Sorry it's more of a filler. But what do you think of Milly's new Lilliepup and my new cover. If you look at it carefully you'll notice an Eevee. I've decided that this will be Paige's final Pokemon cause that's what most of you thought she could get. But now I'm not sure what to evolve her into. What do you think? :-/

Anyway I'm a little busy over this weekend so I may not update until Sunday since I have Halloween later today. I'm going out with some friends and I'm totally gonna have a sugar rush so don't let me near a chainsaw or I may turn out like Miku.

Miku: *pulls out chainsaw* ~MIKU KAWAII!!!!~ ^•^

SMG: (^_^;;) bye peeps


Actually while I think of it, I've heard rumours that they're pushing back the release date of alpha and omega until early 2015. Is this true? I'd like to know if anyone has the confirmed answer.

Thanks. TTFN!!!

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