17~ Paige's truth

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~ Paige's pov

I huffed as I pulled frantically at Jake's sleeve trying to get him to hurry up. Since I was like half his size it didn't work well and ended in me having to slow down.

What is the world coming to? Me? Slow down? Really?

After Samurai and I had finished at the fare thingy we'd gone back to the Pokemon centre to wait for Jake so I could show him where I used to live like... 7 years ago. I missed the place with all my old friends and carers. Most of my friends have probably been adopted but some might still be there. I hope Kay is. She was my absolute best friend.

"OH MY RESHIRAM!!! PAIGE!!!" Was all I heard before I was tackled into a hug.

Speak of the devil.

I looked up to see the fiery red hair of my old friend. I hugged her back. It's been seven years since I last saw her and I missed her a ton.

When Kay, or Makayla, finally got off me I stood up and dusted myself off.

Jake poked my shoulder. "Mind introducing me to your cute friend." He smirked... I think it was a smirk...

"Oh sorry I'm Makayla, Paige's old friend." She smiled and stuck her hand out for Jake and Milly to shake.

Jake shook her hand then Milly did the same.

Kay turned to me. "Now I got a ton of questions for you missy WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST KYREUM FORSAKEN SEVEN YEARS!?!?"


Jake and Milly looked confused while Samurai and Gardenia were looking at each other with unreadable expressions.

:Guys what do I say or write or whatever!?: I panicked.

~The truth?~ Samurai said.

:But... I can't. What will they say? What will they think? What if they give me back to Team Plasma!?: I said worriedly.

~Mana-PHEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!~ Miku suddenly burst out, throwing her arms into the air.

Thank you Miku!!!

"Oh my Zekrom!!! Is she yours Paige?! Shes so KAWAII!!!" Kay squealed fangirling over my blue adorable Pokemon.

Miku seemed to be enjoying the attention and was making cute faces.

Nyuu seemed to be jealous of all the attention Miku was getting because she jumped off my head and gave Kay a cute face.

"OH MY VICTINI!!! LOOK AT HER!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE SO MANY CUTE POKEMON AND YOU HAVEN'T VISITED IN 7 YEARS!!! WAIT!!! What happened to you that day?" Kay asked worried. I don't blame her, after that day.

I shifted from foot to foot, not knowing what to say. I held my hands tightly together, looking at my feet a moment.

I pulled out my little blackboard and quickly scribbled something down.

It's a long story.

"Well I have time. I'm not meant to be back for like another hour. Just wait till I tell everyone that I found you. Oh oh you know that family that came, you know the really nice one who everyone liked? Turns out they wanted to adopt you! But instead the adopted Kate. She was so lucky!!!"

"Wait you're an orphan Paige?" Jake asked.

I hesitantly nodded, taking a step closer to Samurai and Gardenia.

Jake looked shocked while Milly had a look of pity on her face.

"So how'd you end up in Floccesy town?" Jake asked.

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