32~ together once more

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>Paige's pov<

Jake gently rubbed my back. The cut along my back seemed to burn when touched making me flinch it Jake's arms but I tried to ignore it. I felt safe here, with Jake's arms around me I felt safer than I had in a very long time. I'd been so scared he wasn't even looking for me, that he didn't even care.

"How you feeling?" He asked, his voice calm but his eyes showed worry and fear.

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to think about how sore I felt and the people who'd caused the pain. My dreams had been tortured by nightmares of what had happened repeating over and over making me terrified to sleep.

"Sorry, probably the wrong question." Jake let out an awkward chuckle, stroking my pink hair, pulling out a small twig and casting it away.

~Paige, we should get going. If you feel up to it.~ Samurai said from the tree he was leaning on.

I nodded. :I want to go. This place is cold:

Samurai chuckled and came to my side, slipping me out of Jake's arms and into his own. He lightly pulled me to my feet but still held tightly onto me. ~You know, you've grown a lot over these past few weeks.~

I don't know if he meant literally or... what's the word.... metipherically? Or something like that.

~Do you think you can walk yet?~

I shook my head, clinging to Samurai as my legs started to tremble from the effort of holding me up.

"I can carry you if you like Paige." Jake offered.

Samurai shot him a suspicious glare. ~It's alright. I've got it.~ He said picking me up easily. I swear anyone could carry me.

~Okay guys. Time to go.~ Gardenia said to my other Pokemon.

Angel jumped into my arms. Snuggling down into my jacket that I'd found in the bag N had given to me. Miku clung to Kay's leg since she couldn't hold mine. Nyuu took her usual head spot, but on a very unhappy about it Samurai. Gummie just floated in the air as usual. All seemed happy about finally getting out of this small clearing.

"Come on. I know the way to the next town." Kay said leading the way.

"NO!!!" Jake and Milly yelled at the same time making Kay sweat drop.

"You're probably right."

~Li-llie-pup.~ Scout said shaking his head in Milly's arms.

~Wadda ya mean we're all irresponsible!?~ Samurai semi yelled.

:Can we stop with the yelling please?: I asked getting uncomfortable.

~Sorry Paige.~ Samurai said knowing I didn't really like yelling. Especially when it's directed at me. ~Let's go.~

Jake nodded and took the lead.

I sighed and rested my head on Samurai's chest and closed my eyes. I was feeling much safer now that the others were all here.

~Are you alright Paige? You're not normally this quiet.~ Gardenia asked. I knew she knew the answer because I'd heard her tell Samurai I hadn't been myself lately.

I knew that she was right. I was scared now, I was scared of going back, scared that if I did I'd never see my Pokémon again. The ten days I'd spent back at the castle like prison that had held me captive for seven years of my life were the worse ever. I knew that if I ended up back there, N wouldn't be able to protect me the way he has been for the past seven years.

:I'm fine. Just thinking, I guess: I answered Gardenia, hanging head so she counted see you face.

~That's dangerous.~ Samurai said jokingly, trying to keep the mood light.

:Samurai!: I glared before cracking a small smile, hugging him with my uninjured arm.

~I'm joking, I'm joking.~ He said with a smirk.

I gave him a whack on the arm and pouted.

~That doesn't work on me.~

:You're mean: I said snuggling deeper into his arm when a gush of cold air swept past.

It was awkwardly silent for a little. No one could think of what to say so we went the rest of the way on silence. I kept to my own thoughts.

Jake, Milly and Kay obviously do care about me. They traveled all this way to find me even though I was nothing but trouble for them. I was happy to have someone other then N that cared for me, not that N could ever be replaced. He'd always be the closest person to me because he's the only person I'd ever had who cared about me.

I opened my eyes and looked at all my Pokémon. Each one was so different yet each had things in common with one another, I guess that's what made us a family. Miku was the youngest and the one who could turn any situation around. She loved to make others smile and loved every minute of attention given to her. Nyuu also loved attention though she liked it when she was praised. She was quite proud of herself and would spend much of her time training herself to become stronger so she could battle to the best of her ability. Much like Samurai who loved every minute of battle. He was the strongest member of my team by far and although he was serious most the time, he was quite fun to be around. Despite him being a Pokémon, my relationship with him was much like my one with N, brother like. Gardenia was similar, only sisterly. She was caring and didn't like to battle unlike her brother. In this trait she was like Gummie. She didn't like to battle and was quite shy most the time but she liked having fun and showing off her moves with beauty, rather then strength. I wasn't quite sure with Angel yet. So far she'd proven that she was very protective and she was much like Samurai with the way she liked to battle though she was much calmer about it.

I smiled to myself, despite me being in tremendous amounts of pain. My Pokémon would always be my family, and so would my friend, both new and old. 


Sorry its short I'm loosing motivation for this story. I did think about deleting it but decided against it. Anyway I'm going camping for 10 days witch means I can't update. Sorry. I'll try and write but I may not have time but I have a surprise for you. I'm writing a short story called "The Buneary and the Beartic" I just uploaded the first four chapters. It's only going to be a short story and is nearly done, only a chapter or two left but I want to see if you like what Ive done before I finish it.

Edit- no longer short ^-^

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