43~ I'll stand by you

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I was completely shocked by N. I thought he would always be there for me and always protect me and now he's threatening to take away my Pokemon. The only ones I could actually talk to in the whole world. I felt like a little piece of me had broken away leaving a hole behind with nothing to fill it. I never ever thought that N would be the one to hurt me this bad, never ever ever. He'd never hurt me before never once has he done anything to scare me, hurt me or feel bad. But now he was doing all three.

I felt a tear fall from my eye as I held onto Samurai. I didn't want to have to leave him and him to leave me. I didn't want any of my Pokemon to leave they were my friends, my family. Even Nyuu who I let go to start her own family, she's still my family. Samurai held me closer, gently rubbing my back but being careful of the cut that was still there from Nicole.

~I don't know what's gotten into N but I won't let him take me away from you so don't worry. I'm not going to go anywhere, not now and not ever.~

"That's right. I won't let N do this. How could he even think about it!?" Jake growled turning his hands to firsts. "He knows you better than anyone. He knows what your Pokemon mean to you. He knows that you can't speak to anyone apart from them and he acts like he doesn't care! About you, or about them." He continued.

I whimpered a little at his tone, honestly everyone was scaring the hell out of me. N threatening to take my Pokemon away and Jake acting as if he would lash out at anything at any moment.

~Calm down Jake, you're scaring Paige.~ Samurai hissed.

Jake looked down at me hugging Samurai and calmed down, taking a deep breath in and letting it out again. "I'm sorry Paige. I just... didn't like how N acted. He scared you and wants to do something to hurt you even if he sees it as a good cause. But I promise I won't let it happen." Jake was looking right into my eyes and I could see the sincerity they held. "I won't let it happen."

I nodded and let go of Samurai, switching my grip to his hand which he held.

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Not Ghetsis, not Nicole and not N." Jake said truthfully.

I smiled, feeling a little better. But if N turned away from me, would anyone else? Would I end up all on my own? If everyone else left me who would protect me from Ghetsis?

~Paige, stop panicking. It's going to be alright.~ Samurai said seeing my distress. ~None of us will ever leave you.~

~Even if N makes everyone release their Pokemon I won't leave you. None of us will.~ Gardenia continued.

~Not me.~ Gummie nodded.

~Miku wove mama!~ Miku squeaked hugging my leg.

~Eevee!~ Angel rubbed her head against my leg.

I looked up and down at my Pokemon and nodded. :Thanks guys: I smiled.

"We won't leave you either. I won't let anything hurt you ever again." Jake said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Ditto on that one." Milly nodded.

"No one will ever hurt you while I'm around, now let's go kick some Team Plasma heinie!" Kay cheered.

Everyone else cheered in agreement and we continued in our way. I followed close behind, holding Samurai and Gardenia's hands. I was feeling better now I knew that everyone else was there for me, but deep down inside I could help but feel that I had been betrayed by the one who did always thought cared for me the most.


"You're all set, but once you enter you cannot turn back until you have been defeated." The guard told Jake.

As soon as we finished Victory Road Jake was eager to get started and stop N. But first he needed to beat the champion first. So we'd quickly gotten Jake's Pokemon healed and Jake restocked on a ton of items while Kay, Milly and I got spectator passes so we could watch Jake's battles as well as snacks if we get hungry.

Jake nodded the the 'gate keeper' and we all stepped in. The was were like a creamy gold colour with large pillars holding up the stone roof. There was a weird statue in the middle with four separate stone paths leading into four separate rooms.

"Which one you going to take first?" Killy asked.

Jake shrugged. "Just go from left to right I suppose." He said heading for the first path to the left.

We followed behind Jake as he entered the first room. I hugged Angel closer as a sudden chill blew through the air. I'd returned all my other Pokemon since I was only allowed one out at a time and they wouldn't let Samurai or Gardenia for some reason, maybe because they both knew teleport or something.

Us girls all headed for the viewing area while Jake walked up the stairs where the first member of the elite four waited. The whole room had a spooky feel and was lit by strange blue fire balls as at top of the stairs stood a girl older than any of us with purple hair surrounded by books.

"I'd say ghost." Kay said sitting down in one of the seats.

Milly say next to her and nodded. "Yeah, this room is creepy."

I nodded in agreement as I sat down at the end. Jake had challenged the first elite four. She announced that she was indeed a ghost type trainer and that she loved to write and a bunch of random stuff like that. She ended her overly practiced speech by announcing her name Shauntel.

Jake pulled a Pokéball off his belt and threw it into the air, releasing Ghoul from inside.

The Gangar smirked and waited for instructions, crossing his arms and narrowing his arms. ~Gar!~

Shauntel pulled a ball from her belt and followed Jake's actions. A large, coffin shaped Pokemon emerged. For a moment it looked like a weird coffin before the front moved revealing a creepy face and ghostly hands popped out the back. ~Cofrigasss~ is hissed in a voice that sent chills down my spine.

"A Cofagrigass." Kay nodded. "Ghost vs ghost type. Smart and stupid choice at the same time."

"Well I guess this will be down to skill, strength and speed." Milly agreed.


Sorry this chapter sucks. I'm gonna skip all the elite four battles because I'm don't really like writing battle scenes and I want to get to the better bits so yeah.


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