46~ I'm not weak anymore

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Samurai growled and stepped protectively in front of me. ~Get out of the way Nicole.~ He hissed.

Nicole snorted. "Nope. I have orders from Lord Ghetsis to battle you and not let you pass until one of you has done the impossible task of defeating me."

Jake pulled out a Pokéball ready to battle but Angel jumped up and stole his Pokéball, shaking her head. Jake looked confused at my Eevee's behaviour.

I looked from Angel, to Miku, to Gummie, to Gardenia and to Samurai. All looked ready to battle and were glaring at Nicole. I understood what Angel wanted.

I grabbed Jake's arm and pointed to myself then to Nicole then to myself again. My Pokemon wanted to battle Nicole to get back at her for hurting me, I could feel it.

"You want to battle Paige?" Jake asked sounding confused and surprised.

"Are you sure Paige? Nicole is... Well... strong." Milly frowned.

I nodded. My Pokemon were determined to battle so I was to.

"Alright." Jake nodded. "I have faith it you, go for it."

I smiled at him and turned to Nicole stepping forward, mustering the best and most determined glare could manage.

"Aww the little runt thinks she can stand up to me. I'll soon knock you back into place." Nicole sneered.

Her Krookadile stepped forward and gave me a cruel look of disgust.

Samurai stepped to face him. ~This one's mine.~ He hissed.

I nodded to him. :Okay Samurai:

"Krookadile, Dragon Claw!" Nicole ordered.

Krookadile charged in on Samurai with his claws glowing purple-blue. Samurai glanced at me. ~What do you want me to do Paige?~ He asked calmly.

:Try a Brick Break: I replied trying to stay as calm as he was. 

Dark is weak against fighting, right?

With a brief nod Samurai jumped out of the way of the way of the Dragon Claw and slammed his fist into Krookadile.

The dark type let out an angry roar and hissed at Samurai who was standing with a smirk.

~Great job Paige, what next?~ Samurai praised.

"Earthquake!" Nicole called sounding angry.

:Jump onto the chandelier!: I called quickly in a panic.

Without hesitation Samurai leapt into the air and grabbed onto the fancy chandelier, he swung himself so he was sitting on top.

Krookodile stamped his foot sending out a waved that caused the ground to shake. I let out a yelp as I struggled to keep standing. Gardenia came to my side and helped me stay standing until the attack finished.

I nodded my thanks to Gardenia and looked up at Samurai who was still in the chandelier waiting for instructions.

:Samurai, Leaf Blade! Use the speed from the air to your advantage!: I called.

Wow, this is the most serious I've ever been. Maybe because I wanted to prove something to Nicole. Prove that I wasn't the weak little runt she thought she was.

That's it! I wanted to prove to her that although not fearless, that I could be brave and stand up for myself. That even though small I wasn't a runt. I wanted to prove that even though mute, I could say a thousand words without opening my mouth once.

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