20~ bed time!

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~Paige's pov

Driftvale city was nice. There was a really big market full of things to buy and Jake said we'd go there later.

~Paige, what do you do on your journey. I mean is there a certain level I need to be to stay?~ Gummie's voice asked nervously.

:I'm doing this for fun and to see everything I can and all I want you to be you: I smiled looking her.

~You mean if I don't keep up with the other Pokemon you won't let me go?~

:Not if you don't want to:

Gummie smiled. ~No I want to stay!~ She squeaked.

:Then you're welcome to:

Gummie nuzzled into my shoulder. ~Thank you.~

I smiled and shifted Miku to one arm so I could pat Gummie's head.

:You're welcome:

I peered out the window at the nighttime sky. I knew that none of the sights I'd see in the world would ever cease to amaze me. I had a lot of sight seeing to make up for in the seven years I'd missed. I smiled to myself and turned to Samurai who was talking to Gardenia in their own, Pokélanguage.





~Paige if you say you're board I will flip out at you.~ Samurai sighed.

I'm so good at this.

:Samurai I need some method of entertainment:

Paige-1, Samurai-0

~Okay miss smartypants, go to bed. It's like ten at night.~

:But I can't go to bed. The sky's awake so I'm awake so we have to play: I said in an over dramatic tone like in the movie I'd watched with Milly and Kay earlier.

~Go play by yourself.~

:... do you wanna build a snowman?:


I gave him my Lilliepuppy eyes.

~That won't work on me Paige.~ Samurai said rolling his eyes. ~You should know by now that that only works in Jake and N.~

:You're no fun:

~Well someone needs to be responsible and that most certainly isn't going to be you.~

I stuck my tongue out and hung upside down from my bed.

~You're gonna hurt yourself if you do that any longer.~

I didn't reply, Samurai hates the silent treatment and that's precisely what I was gonna give him.

~Paige? Did you hear me?~



Still silent.


Continues to be silent.

~Arg fine you win, we'll do something.~

:Success!: I cheered smiling at Samurai.

Paige-2, Samurai-0

He just rolled his eyes. ~You really know how to get what you want don't you?~

:I have no idea what you're talking about: I smiled innocently.

~Alright what do you want to do?~

:I don't know... If I did then I wouldn't need some method:

Samurai face palmed.

:Hey, I the most entertainment I've had for the past 7 years was watching mould grow on the walls:

~True... but remember I've only been out as many times as you. You did hatch me after all.~

:Yeah I know, how could I forget:

Samurai smiled and patted my head. ~How about we go out tomorrow? But for now you need to go to bed~



:You said we could do something: I pouted.

~we're talking aren't we?~

:But that's no fun:

Samurai sighed. ~Come on Paige~

:arg fine, but I'm staying up all night tomorrow:

~Oh joy~ He replied flatly.

>??? Pov<

I watched the pink haired runaway joke around with her Pokemon, a Gallade, a shiny Gallade, through my X-ray goggles.

How does a weakling like that even get a rare shiny Pokemon like that? Let alone two and a legendary?

It just wasn't right, but if my mission was to succeed than that little brat will never see the light of day again.

And I have never failed a mission yet.

So enjoy your freedom while it lasts you little runaway, cause its about to be cut short. I flicked my long black hair into a ponytail-tail while raising my binoculars over my red eyes to spy on the little pink haired runaway. "Count your final days you little runt, your little vaycay is about to be cut short."


I'm done! Yay, more of a filler but we get to the good stuff next chapter. Promise. Also the return of the trainer from the beginning chapters, yay!

Well also putting this on slow updates because I'm having family trouble right now and I need time to think.

Also I've gotten this sorted out with Laura and she agreed to drop everything anyone has said provided that you stop saying things to her.

So bye SMG OUT!!!

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