26~ making a plan and breaking a promise

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~Paige's pov

:Angel, I'm board: I sighed hanging upside down from my bed. It had been days since I was brought here and my fear of Ghetsis seemed to make time drag by at an agonisingly slow pace.

~Vee?~ Angel said looking up from her cushion.

N hadn't come since the day before yesterday and I was scared and worried and more scared. He hadn't told me he was going anywhere and nether Anthea or Concordia would tell me anything where I would ask them with the blackboard N had left for me.

I still missed all my Pokemon as well. I hadn't seen Samurai or Gardenia in days and I really wasn't used to being away from them for more than a few hours. I was worried about Miku, Nyuu and Gummie as well. N had told me they were safe and being taken care of, but I still worried for them.

~Ve e-eevee.~ Angel said jumping from the bed and trotting to a small cubby house that sat in the corner of the room.

I could never concentrate on games and I just didn't feel like playing. I liked the room but I didn't want to be here I'd rather be living on the streets free with my Pokemon then in here alone.

Once again my thoughts wondered to what had made me deserve this. I'd always been shy and timid and I'd never been misbehaved. Sure I was late sometimes to get back to the orphanage but that was it. I'd never thought bad of anyone before I was taken and I was always as friendly as I could be while being shy.

~Bad things happen to good people because bad people do bad things.~

That's what Gardenia had once told me.

~Good things happen to good people when they stand up and do what's right.~

I think that's how it ended... But I couldn't quite remember. But what was right? How could I stand up against bad people? I was to scared to ever do anything.

Ghetsis and Nicole are right. I am weak, I am pathetic, I am a runt. Maybe that's how'd I'd always been and I just needed someone to point it out to me.

~Vee?~ Angel said walking up to me.

I rolled over onto my stomach and patted her head softly. :Sorry I was just thinking: I smiled a little.

~Vee eevee e?~

I sighed. I couldn't understand Pokemon like N could do I didn't understand.

:Is it so much to ask for to be just left alone?: I asked thinking aloud-ish.

~Eevee.~ Angel replied, cocking her head to the side.

I shook my head. :Don't worry:

~Vee...~ Angel looked worried.

:I'm fine. Promise: I don't know how many time I've heard that word over the past few days and I don't know how many times the person meant it.


~Jake's pov

"We are not lost... I just don't know where to go." Kay insisted.

"I think that's the definition of lost Kay." Milly said shaking her head.

"It's not my fault all these stones look alike." Kay said sweating her hand to gesture to all the electrically charged rocks in Chargestone cave.

"Guys how about we try and get through this cave rather than fighting. The sooner we get through here the sooner we can get Paige back." I sighed shoving my hands in the pockets of my black vest.

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