48~ the bravest girl I've ever met

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Angel glowed brighter as she stood up straight. A bow appeared from under her neck, spreading like butterfly wings as ribbons grew from the ends trailing around her in beams of light. Another ribbon spread out its wings on one ear, once again sprouting free flowing ribbons. Her tail thinned out and she grew taller and thinner.

The glowing faded and Angel was no longer a fluffy brown Eevee, but a white and pink elegant evolved... Pokemon.

~Sylveeeooon!~ Angel screeched, glaring at Stoutland with new found strength.

"Angel evolved into Sylveon!" Milly exclaimed excitedly.

:Angel, are you strong enough to battle?:

Angel nodded and glared at Stoutland. She formed and pink ball of fairy energy above her head and shot it at Stoutland.

"That's Moonblast!" Kay high fived Milly.

Stoutland pushed himself back up and growled at Angel who was flaring with determination.

"Evolving makes no difference, Stoutland use Take Down again!" Nicole hissed.

:Counter it with Moonblast!:

Angel nodded and shot out the glowing pink ball at Stoutland. He faltered slightly but didn't stop charging.

:Angel get out of the way!: I called desperately.

But Angel shook her head and stood still.

:Angel! Move!:

Angel shook her head and charged up another Moonblast, growling at Stoutland.

Stoutland made contact with Angel and sent up a wave of smoke the filled the room. This lasted a few moments, we couldn't see anything. I called out for Angel but didn't get a response.

When the smoke died down both Stoutland and Angel were struggling to their feet. They were growling at each other and both we determined to rise.

:Angel don't push yourself to hard. I don't want you to get hurt: I said worriedly, wondering if I should stop her now.

Angel's ear twitched slightly and she stood up straight. ~Sylveon!~ She growled.

Stoutland looked up at Angel and let out a bark before collapsing.

Nicole didn't say anything and returned Stoutland. Angel limped over to me as almost collapsed at my feet but I caught her and held her tightly in my arms. :Great job Angel: I smiled.

~Silvy.~ Angel smiled back, closing her eyes and swiftly falling asleep in my arms.

Nicole growled at me. "I must say I am quite surprised by you runt."

I flinched slightly at the harshness of her tone and the hatred that dripped from every word.

"But I'm afraid your victory ends here. No one has ever forced me to use my ace before. No one has ever defeated it, so be prepared to be torn to shreds by my Haxorus." She hissed throwing out her final Pokéball.

A large golden-yellow dragon emerged from the Pokéball. It's black and red blade like tasks glinting under the light of the chandelier. It's curved claws slashed at the air, looking for a target as its sharp eyes narrowed me down.

Without me even saying anything Miku ran forward with her chainsaw in hand. ~MIIIIIIIIKUUUUUUU KAWAAAAAAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ She squealed glaring at Haxorus, swinging the chainsaw around her head wildly.

Haxorus let out a small shriek and ran away from Miku as the little blue Pokemon gave chase, slashing the chainsaw as she went.

"Haxorus, stop running like a coward and fight the little brat of a Pokemon." Nicole growled.

Haxorus sweat dropped and turned to face Miku nervously. Miku glared at him and raised her chainsaw. ~Miku kawaii!~ She hissed.

"Haxorus, Dragon Claw." Nicole hissed.

Haxorus flinched but obeyed Nicole, charging in with his tusks glowing purple around the blades.

Miku charged in as well. ~YOU DIE TRUCKER!!!~ She squealed.

~Where the hell did she learn to talk like that!?~ Samurai glared and Kay walked 'innocently' backwards.

Miku slashed one of Haxarus's tusks, cutting it clean off.

Haxorus froze, fingering the place where his blade was. He went wide eyes and disappeared in a flash of red back to his Pokéball.

~Miku win!~ Miku squealed jumping up and down. I handed a sleeping Angel to Samurai before running up to her and picking her up, hugging her close while jumping up and down.

:I won? I won! I WON!!!: I squealed excitedly.

"How?" Nicole glared. "How does one weak pathetic idiotic mute runaway runt defeat my entire team!? It's impossible!"

"Because Paige isn't weak or pathetic or idiotic or a runt. She has three times the bravery, honour and heart than you'll ever have. Her Pokemon were determined to prove that to you and to her." Jake glared. "Now we beat you so let us pass."

I looked up at Jake and smiled.

He nodded and smiled back.

Nicole growled and stepped aside. "Fine." She spat. "Beginners luck anyway."

We climbed the stairs the the final level of the castle. The level of the throne room. I showed Jake to way but froze as my blood seemed run cold when I saw who was guarding the door. Giving me a look of pure disgust, was Ghetsis.

"Well well well little runt. Come back for home at last?"

I whimpered and hid behind Jake who was standing between Ghetsis and I protectively. "Leave her alone." He hissed.

Ghetsis narrowed his eyes at Jake for a moment before glaring at me making me shrink further behind Jake as Milly and Kay stepped forward also. My Pokemon growling as well.

"I suppose you're here to stop N? Well I can tell you that's not going to happen. The castle that appeared as if it were enveloping the Pokemon League is a symbol. It means Unova will change. The king of this castle is the strongest Trainer in the world. He is accompanied by the legendary Pokemon. He has defeated the champion. Added to that, his heart burns with the desire to improve the world. If that's not what makes a hero, what more do you need? Now that the stage is set, we can seize people's minds and hearts. We can bring into being the world that I --no, that Team Plasma-- desires more easily than you can imagine! We and only we will use Pokemon, and we shall rule the powerless populace! I've been waiting so long for this! I've kept my silence so no one could piece together what I planned. Not even the little runt you keep with you and worked beneath me could ever figure it out. But then she's always been a stupid one." He snickered making Jake growl at him. "Go forth and leave in defeat." Ghetsis gestured forward before walking in himself.

We waited a moment. Jake turned to me. "Paige if you don't want to go in you don't have to. I know you don't like Ghetsis and if you're afraid then I understand." Jake said calmly.

I shook my head and stamped my foot. I was going to go in. I had to prove that I wasn't going to let any push me around ever again.

Jake smirked slightly and patted my head. "Your defiantly the bravest girl I've ever met."

I just smiled as Jake slipped his hand into mine and led the way into the throne room.


OMG ALMOST FINISHED THIS BOOK!!! ;-; I'm gonna miss Paige... good thing there's gonna be a sequel :P

Anyway you probably have better stuff to do than here me rant and u defiantly have better stuff to do than rant. Not that ranting isn't fun.


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