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>Third person<

"The plane will now be landing in Slateport City Hoenn. Please buckle your seat belts and prepare for landing." The electronic voice buzzed.

Paige let out a squeal of excitement and peered out the window while Samurai struggled to get her seat belt on. ~Paige, keep still a moment.~ Samurai hissed.

The exited pinkette ignored him a pressed her face against the window while Jake let out a chuckle of amusement.

Samurai finally managed to click Paige's seat belt together and sit her down in her seat properly. ~A week since you almost died and you already have energy to spare.~

Paige stuck out my bottom lip and pouted in response. :Don't blame me, I'm exited:

Samurai rolled his eyes. ~Look out the window. You can see it.~

Following his instructions, Paige pressed her face against the window again and saw the Hoenn region below them. She let out an exited squeal again and started bouncing around in her seat.

"Paige, if you keep bouncing like that you'll bring the whole plane down." Milly said from the row of seats behind Paige, Samurai and Jake.

Paige let out another giggle and stopped bouncing. It had been a week since Team Plasma disbanded and two days since Paige was been allowed to leave the Pokemon Centre. Her neck was still bruised but no longer swollen and N had bought her a shirt that covered my neck to wear until the bruise fades when she was able to leave and the cuts along her back and arm were also now fully healed, nothing but thin scars remained of the one fatal injury.

N unfortunately had left. He said that he had things he needed to fix but would return to find his 'little sister' soon. Jake had made arraignments for Paige to stay with him for as long as she stay in Hoenn prior to the plane trip.

Kay had gone back to the orphanage in Nimbassa, she still had hopes of getting a family of her own but for Paige family meant Jake and Milly, as well as her Pokemon and since she was missing for seven years the orphanage that once took care of her no longer had her registered so it didn't really matter in their eyes. Which made it easier for Paige to leave Unova.

The plane landed with a small bump. It was really cool and could land on water so it sent up a wave when it hit making Paige squeal in excitement once again.

~Paige can you please stop squealing. You're gonna make me deaf.~

:Technically speaking you don't need to hear anyway. You can't talk telipaficly or however you pronounce it: Paige smiled mysteriously.

~Telepathically?~ Samurai raised an eyebrow. ~And I would like to keep my hearing intact please.~

Paige giggle as Jake stood up and started pulling their bags from the baggage compartment above their heads.

:Do you know where Miku went?: Paige asked Samurai, looking around from her little Manaphy.

~COMING THROUGH!!!~ A familiar voice squealed, riding the food trolly down the isle and sending paster fees diving for their seats.

~I think I found her.~ Gardenia sighed while using Psychic to stop the trolly and hand Miku back to Paige, ignoring the glares from staff members.

:Miku that was very naughty: Paige scolded.

Miku gave Paige her baby eyes. ~But Miku was having fun.~

Paige struggled not to give in. :No Miku, you need to ask me before rising trolleys down the isle. It's wrong to wonder off on your own. You could get lost:

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