37~ keep your hands off Paige unless you wish to loose them

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"Okay King, Crab Hammer one more time!" Jake called.

King tiredly pushed himself up and nodded. The battle had been exhausting for both Jake and his Pokemon and they were now both down to the last, and both Pokemon were near fainted.

King charged in on Drayden's Haxorous who was to tired to dodge. Instead he brought up his bladed arms, glowing purple with a Dragon Claw.

"Finish it!" Draydens called.

Both Pokemon charged in on each other, whoever survive this hit would win the battle.

The two attacks collided sending up a wave of smoke and dust. I raised my hands to protect my face as the wave filled the whole room.

I lowered my arms, coughing a little from the remaining dust in the air. Both King and Haxorus were still standing, panting hard while they shook from exhaustion. I frowned at this.

Never would I push my own Pokemon to fight like this. It wasn't fair to them. They would already fight their hardest for me, what more could I ask for? Going to this point, that's just plain wrong.

For a moment they both just stood there, back to back. Unable to fight any longer but not willing to let their trainer down.

In perfect sink, the two Pokemon collapsed forward. The match was over.

It was a tie.

The ref made this obvious to no one in particular by calling it out. Wow, the other three people in the room totally couldn't see that the two Pokemon battling were knocked out. I'm mute not blind.

Wait... I just used sarcasm! No one heard me, but I used sarcasm. I feel so proud.

Jake sighed and returned King to his Pokéball. "Great work bud." He then turned to the gym leader. "I'll be back to try an earn my badge."

Draidian shook his head. "There's no need for that."

"But I lost." Jake argued.

"No it was a tie, in which case the gym leader gets to decide weather or not you are worthy of getting the badge and the battle you just showed me is most defiantly worthy of it." Draidian replied holding out the badge.

Jake smiled and accepted it. "Unova league here I come!" He shouted with a fist pump.

I ran down from the view point, clapping my hands in congratulations and excitement, until my arm started hurting. I did my best not to wince soon one would notice and make a fuss out of it, which no one did.

Jake patted my head and smiled. "Let's go find the others. Give them the good news... and tell Milly that you're coming home with us."

Jake thanked the gym leader and we left.

It had gotten considerably darker since when we entered just after lunch time. The sun was now setting in the distance.

Jake let out a low whistled. "Wow, that took a while didn't it?"

I nodded and followed Jake in the direction of what I hope was the Pokemon centre.

~Mama, Miku tired.~ Miku yawned, tugging at my sock.

I smiled and bent down to pick her up. I cradled the small blue water Pokemon in my arms.

Miku snuggled into my jacket, using the spare folds as a blanket. She looked up at me with her large baby black eyes and smiled. ~Night night mama.~ She yawned, closing. Her eyes. (A/N so kawaii!!! *fangirls*)

I smiled and stroked her head with my spare hand. :Night night Miku:

A cold breeze blew past making me shiver.

Jake stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I jumped slightly which my my back hurt a little but not much and looked up at Jake in surprise.

"You looked cold." He said with a wink.

For some unknown reason I blushed and Samurai growled slightly.

:Samurai, are you alright?: I asked turning slightly.

~I'm fine, but if Jake doesn't remove his arm from your shoulder he won't be.~

Jake quickly removed his arm and scratched the back of his head. "I was just trying to keep her warm."

~Sure you were.~ Samurai glared sarcastically.

:Want are you two talking about?:

~Nothing.~ Samurai shook his head, still glaring at Jake.

I sighed, noticing we were outside the Pokemon centre.

We walked in and Jake handed his Pokemon to Nurse Joy.

"Have you seen a brunette about yay high with a red head about this high?" Jake asked giving the apoximat... aproxamte? whatever, hight of Milly and Kay.

"Room 34." Nurse Joy smiled handing back Jake's Pokemon. "There you go, we hope to see you again."

Jake nodded, clipping his Pokemon bak to his belt.

He motioned for me to follow him down the hall and we went to search for our room.





Jake knocked on the door and it was opened seconds later by Kay. "Took you two long enough, or were you watching the sunset together." She smirked

Jake's face flushes pink. "N-no, gym battle took longer than expected."

"Sure, sure."

I reached into my bag and pulled out my chalk board, quickly writing down my question.

What in the world is everyone talking about?

And for some reason, everyone laughed at my very serious question.


Sorry this took so long. I've been fine tuning 'Why us?' (Which thankfully nobody has been nagging me about since I asked for you to stop :) ) but anyway its here.this should be moving along quicker since next chapter we move to victory road then the league and finally N's castle. (Spoiler for the 5% who haven't guessed. Well I am following a cross between B/W and B/W2) and then a possible sequel depending on the events in N's castle and who Paige ends up with.

Anyway. I have thing to do and assessments to finish. One week in year 10 and I already have three assessments.

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