27~ between life and death

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~Paige's pov

Blood gushed out of the large cut that now ran down my arm, it burst out and trailed down my arm like an open tap. I tried to cover it with my left hand which had been missed by Bisharp's attack but the cut was to big and my hand to small to cover it all.

I felt dizzy and faint at the sight of so much blood or maybe the fact that I was loosing so much of it. I bit down on my bottom lip and forced back tears. I didn't want Nichole to see me crying... or Ghetsis.

I heard Nicole snicker and she walked over to me and kicked me sharply in the ribs making me fall onto my side, still clutching my arm. All the air was forced from my lungs. I struggled to regain it because I was coughing and sobbing so much.

"You're pathetic," she snickered. "I don't know why N even wastes his time with you."

I held my bleeding arm close to my chest and curled up into a tight ball, burying my face into my knees. I was still unable to stop myself from coughing and I still struggled to get air back into my lungs. I felt so weak.... and pathetic. Just like Nichole said.

Nichole came up to me again and kicked my back. I gasped in pain and whimpered. I could barely keep myself conscious. I was afraid that if I did faint that Ghetsis or Nichole might... might kill me. But maybe that wasn't such a bad thing..... no I had to stay strong! N promised to get me out of here soon and my Pokemon were here as well. I had to be strong, for them.

"You're pathetic and weak. You're a runt that no one wants. You don't deserve N's time or energy. You don't even deserve to breath." Nichole said snidely.

My breathing hitched and my body stiffen, my tears finally fell. I sniffed and whimpered when Nichole kicked me twice more. Once in the back and once in the back of my head.

I felt Bisharp's sharp blade-like arm's dig into my back making me scream in pain. It went from my right shoulder to my lower back. The blade dug in deep slashing through my already blood stained shirt like scissors through paper.

I was finding it hard to even breath, finding it hard to even try. Everything was becoming blurry and my hearing was becoming fuzzy. I was shaking in fear and everyone in the room could see it.

~EEEEEVVVEEEEEEE!~ A sudden voice squealed. I looked up to see Angel standing between Nichole and I.

Angel was crouched, ready to pounce if she was needed. Determination flared in her eyes while her snout was pulled into a snarl.

Nichole glared at Angel with disgust. She looked about to order Bisharp to attacked but Ghetsis stopped her.

Wait Ghetsis stopped her...?

"N will be returning soon. He will not be happy if the runt dies and that may ruin my plans for the both of them. For now she may live but as soon as my plan succeeds you may do what you wish with her." Ghetsis said cruelly.

I gulped and cringed back at his harshness. But thankfully both left leaving me with Angel. Angel padded over to me cautiously. She nuzzled my forehead with her wet nose gently.


I slowly looked up with the last of the strength I had. Angel looked scared and upset with herself.

:It's alright Angel: I said trying to reassure her, and myself.

She shook her head and looked at the blood staining the carpet around me. She looked at the blood soaking my shirt and matted in with my hair. She knew it wasn't alright.

She ran over to my bed and pulled a pillow off it, dragging it over to me. She helped me lift up my head and place it on top of it. I gave her a thankful look and managed a small smile.

She nuzzled my cheek. I was feeling really tired by this point and I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. Angel had pulled over another pillow and was sitting on that. I knew she'd keep me safe so I let go and allowed myself to slip into sleep. But not before I heard the door open once more and a person gently pull me onto their lap, rocking me gently.


>N's pov<

I walked down the hall towards Paige's room. Something wasn't right, like an unearthly presence loomed within the halls, urging me to hurry. I quickened my pace towards Paige's room. She would be sleeping at this hour but no doubt she was worried because I'd been away longer then expected.

I gently knocked on the door to Paige's room before I opened the door and peered in the seemingly empty room. I gasped when I saw Paige. She was lying on the floor curled up in a small ball. Blood was gushing from an open cut on her back. She was basically lying in a pool of her own blood.

I quickly rushed to Paige's side and pulled her into my lap, not caring that her blood was staining my own shirt. She'd fainted and was barely breathing. I sent out my Zoroa. I told him to find Anthea or Concordia and to bring them here.

He ran from the room and out the open door.

Paige had a large cut along her back and another along her right arm. They looked like a cut from a Bisharp, judging by the look and depth of it.

"N, what's wrong- oh my. What happened?" Anthea said when she saw me cradling Paige.

"I don't know. I just came to check on her and she was like this... can you help her?" I said struggling to keep my worry for Paige contained. I wasn't one for first aid, but I knew the basics. Anthea and Concordia on the other hand were the best people for the job.

"I can try." Anthea frowned. "Can you bring Concordia here for me? I'll need her help. This is serious."

I nodded, biting my lip before I gently carried Paige over to her bed and laid her down. Paige's face had tear streaks along her cheeks and a smear of blood along her left cheek.

Anthea started tending to Paige's arm right away, wiping blood away from the opening.

I left the room to find Concordia as fast as I could. If Anthea and Concordia couldn't stop Paige's bleeding soon then...

Paige will die.


Heylo! I managed to find time in my extremely busy life to update.

Emma: by extremely busy you mean took a break from playing Alpha Sapphire.

SMG: yeah pretty much ^_^ well I forgot a crucial part of the planing for 'Star struck' so its gonna be a little longer for it to update.

And I also dislocated my shoulder today... it thankfully popped back into place s few seconds after but it still hurts a bit.

Anyway... bye (^_^)/

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