38~ Danger beyond what you can see

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"Did you know its Sewaddle mating season?" Kay asked spilling the billionth fact for the day.

~Ad?~ Nyuu perked up hearing her species name.

"They gather every year on victory road and they make little hood for each other." Kay continued, not raised her head form the guide book in her hands. "And once a Sewaddle mates they stay together until they evolve into Leavany and lay an egg."

~Dle...~ Nyuu cocked her head.

~Lade.~ Samurai said.

~Sewaddle addle? Sew?~

~Nyuu wants to know if we could possibly see it.~ Samurai said.

:It's cool with me. Don't know about everyone else: I nodded.

"I'm good." Jake shrugged.

"It might be fun." Kay said clapping her hand together.

"Why not?" Milly nodded.

~Miku kawaii!~ Miku squealed.

We all laughed as Miku jumped up on Scout who was walking by Milly, he had a keen sense of smell so he normally stayed out cause he could smell if any danger was near by.

~Joltik!~ Miss Zappy Spider, Kay's Joltik, said in her static like voice.

"You know what Pokemon I've always wanted, a Rufflet." Kay said randomly.

"Well you're in luck," Milly said snatching Kay's guid book. "cause Rufflet live in Victory road."

"Really?" Kay went wide eyed snatching back the guide book. "So they do, okay I'm catching one and no one is going to stop me!"

"Knock yourself out." Jake sighed. "As long as I get some training in between now and when we get to the end, I'm happy."


"Okay Mr Sumo Piggy, finish it with Flamethrower!" Kay called.

It had been a day and a half since we started traveling Victory Road and we were making good progress. We often stopped because Jake would want to train or because my injuries were hurting so we'd take breaks until they stopped. I felt bad for slowing everyone down but Jake said it was okay because he'd have time to train his Pokémon while I was resting. We'd also been looking for a Rufflet for Kay to catch and after much searching we'd found one, which Kay was battling now.

Mr Sumo Piggy obeyed his trainer, sending out the fire attack aimed at the Rufflet.

The bird like Pokemon was hit right in the chest and he fell to the ground very much fainted. The smell of singed feathers hit my nose and which made my face screw up at the foul smell. Kay pulled an empty Pokéball from her belt and threw it at the Rufflet.

The ball shook once, twice and on the third shake it clicked.

Kay jumped in the air. "Yes I caught a Rufflet! I'm gonna him Mr Flappy Bird cause he was a pain the ass like that annoying game." She said continuing to jump with her Pokéball held above her head like a trophy.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Great job Kay, can we continue now or are you gonna jump around all day like Paige does?"

Hey, I do not... Actually yes I do.

Kay smiled mareepishly. "Sorry, yeah let's go."

~Wait.~ Samurai said suddenly, gazing around our surroundings warily.

We all stopped and turned to him. :What is it?: I asked, nervously inching closer to my Pokémon.

~Something doesn't feel right.~ Samurai frowned looking around, putting a hand on my shoulder and pulled me close. ~I could swear we're being watched.~

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