6~ Paige's first capture

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>Paige's pov<

Poke... no response. Poke.... no response. Poke... still no response. Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke.

"What is it Paige?" Milly asked, finally snapping under the annoyance of me poking her.

Success~! Man Milly is a lot harder to annoy than Samurai is.

I showed her my small chalk board complete with the small scrawls of my writing.

Iiii'mmmm booooaaaarrrrd.

Milly sighed and sat up from the bleaches where she was watching Jake have his battle against a girl called Roxy who was apparently this gyms 'leader'.

She was using a big big BIG maroony pinky thingy Pokemon with cool purple circles to decorate. His yellow eyes were glaring at Jake's Pokemon who happened to be Ghoul the Gangar. Ghoul was pulling silly faces and blowing Razzberries with his long pink tongue, turning to wink at Gardenia here and there which would result in Samurai letting out a small growl.

"Let's go then." Milly sighed, caving in to my wishes. "We'll walk around."

I skipped out of town, Samurai, Gardenia and Milly following not far behind. We walked down what Milly had announced to be route 20, a forest like route full or tall trees and a river. I sat down on a bridge about half way through the route, smiling to myself as Milly joined with my Pokemon.

The clear blue water rushed around underneath us. It twisted and turned, swirled and swayed as it ran under and came back again on the other side. Water Pokemon danced past going about there day, doing their own things. Sometimes stopping to stare at me with curiosity while I smiled down at them.

I switched my gaze from the river to the trees watching as little grey Pidove flew from one branch to the next and curl up next to they're friends as the day slowly came to an end.

On the ground little brown rodent Pokemon scurried for home and furry little canine Pokemon continued to play, unwilling to head home while the sun still shone. A pinky-red little bug scurried into a bush as a purple feline ate from its branches.

A gentle breeze brushed past making my light pink hair dance as it blew past. My blue eyes shone in the dying light of the sun and the smell of the outdoors was breath taking.

I had missed all if this over the past seven years. The sun. The fresh, running water. The little dance the trees made whenever a breeze blew past. I was so breath taking watching it all.

What confused me was how all the trainers we had past just looked at everything like it was nothing. Like a tree was just there for decoration or a river was just something you walk over. But to me everything was so new... so different... so beautiful... so breathtaking. I loved it all.

Time passed slowly as I gazed around at, taking in everything I could see and doing my best to memorise everything I could see so I'd never forget what the outdoors were like. The feel of the grass and rush of the water beneath my fingers. It was all new and completely amazing.

"Paige we should be getting back. Jake would have finished his battle already." Milly said. "And it's also getting late. We'll head over to Castelia City tomorrow."

I stood up and we walked quietly back through the forest. Slightly sad to leave behind the beautiful route 20.

I felt something land in my head. I looked up to be met with the eyes of a small yellow Pokemon with a leaf hood.

~Sew sew addle.~ It smiled, turning it's head to the side.

I giggled, well did my own version of a giggle, at the cute little Pokemon.

:Hello: I smiled.

~Paige. That Pokemon cannot use telepathy like me and Samurai can. It can't understand you.~ Gardena said.

:Oh...: I frowned. :It's pretty cute though: I gave the little bugs head a pat, then picked it up and hugged it as Milly watched.

"It looks like that Sewaddle has taken quite a liking to you Paige. Do you want to see if you can catch it?" Milly smiled.

I smiled and nodded.

~Gardevoir gar de voir?~ Gardenia said at the little Pokemon in my arms.

The... Sewaddle? I think Milly called it nodded and snuggled into my arms.

~The Sewaddle would like you to catch her.~ Gardenia smiled. ~Her name is Nyuu.~

:Tell her I said welcome to the team: I smiled, giggling as Milly handed me an empty Pokéball.

"Here so you can catch it." She smiled.

I took it and placed Nyuu and The empty Pokéball on the ground.

Nyuu tapped her head against the ball and it sucked her in. It shook once, twice, thrice. It clicked and a small light glowed momentarily from the centre signalling I had captured her.

I smiled and hugged the Pokéball that now contained Nyuu.

My first capture. EVER!

I smiled at the Pokéball and let Nyuu out. She climbed onto my head.

:Nyuu. I think we'll be great friends: I got Gardenia to translate for me while I scribbled down Nyuu's name on my chalkboard so Milly knew her name.

"Cute." Milly giggled as we made out way back to town.

:Gardenia, tell Nyuu that tomorrow I'm going to teach her how to obey whistle commands. Like how I used to with the Pokemon at the place before we ran away: I smiled as Gardenia told Nyuu via Pokétalk and Samurai joined in a convocation as the three started to become friends.



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