40~ I won't let go

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(A/N- time for a Jake x Paige moment ^-^)

>Paige's pov<

Normally I'm the last person to wake up in the group but today I was the first, waking up when the sun was just peeking above the horizon.

The morning was really quiet, a few Pokemon calling out to each other and the rush of a nearby river filled the air as the breeze made the leaves rustle and dance. The sky was a mixture of fiery oranges mixed with sunny yellows, soft shades of purple and the sky blue peaking out.

Samurai was sleeping soundly in a tree, letting out small snores with each rise and fall of his breath. Gardenia was sleeping with all my other Pokemon at the base, apart from Angel who was in the tent I'd shared with Kay over night. They looked so peaceful it was adorable.

I smiled and sat by the dying embers of the fire from last night. Everything was so pretty. How could people just sleep in and miss this? It was breath taking, everything in the outside world was yet people just pass it by or ignore it like it was nothing. I was curious if it was just from me missing out on these views for seven years that made me so intrigued with them, wonder if it was anyone else who'd been in my place the past few years if they'd care about ever seeing the trees again or a river or even the sky. Was I the only one who'd ever miss seeing anything. 

I took a deep breath of the morning air and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of Pokemon getting ready for the day and the sound of nature working its magic.

"Sleep well?" A voice from behind asked making me jump.

I turned and saw Jake walking over from his tent. His hair was messy from sleeping but other than that he looked his normal self.

"Sorry if I scared you." Jake apologised taking a seat next to me.

I shook my head and looked up at the sky once more.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Jake smiled.

I nodded and watched a grey bird Pokemon fly overhead, letting out small screeching noises as it went by.

"That's a Mandibuzz." Jake explained, pointing to the Pokémon I'd been watching.

I looked over at him as smiled. The small rays of sun seemed to light up his eyes as he smiled back.

"You have the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen." Jake said making me blush.

Jake chuckled as I looked away trying to hide it. "No its a good thing. Your eyes make you look even more adorable."

I looked up at him in confusion. N always called me adorable but it sounded different coming from Jake.


Jake turned away and looked back at the sky. "Do you ever wish you could talk, say at least one thing to someone?"

I looked at Jake then down at the dirt in front of me. I nodded. Of course I do, if I could have just one wish it would be to have a voice, even for a little while. Everyone just takes their voices for granted when I'm here not even being able to say a word to anyone.

"If you did get to say just one sentence to someone, what would it be?"

I thought about his question before looking back at the dirt, using my forefinger to write my answer.

I don't know really, there is so many thing I wish I could say. But I can't, I won't so I never really saw any point to thinking about it.

Jake took a minute to read what I had written before looking back up at me, a look of pity showing clearly in his dark brown eyes.

"You know I think you're really brave Paige. You've endured so much without being able to tell anyone exactly how you feel. You keep on going even though you know out here you can get into trouble but you have anyway."

I looked at Jake before looking away shaking my head. I brushed away my previous message in the dirt before writing a new one, occasionally having to rub away what I'd written after Jake had read it so I'd have room to say exactly what I wanted to.

I'm not brave, far from it. I'm scared all the time. Everything scares me now. I'm afraid that behind every corner could be one of Ghetsis's agents just waiting to jump out at me or Nicole could be behind any tree. It scares me. I don't want to go back ever but I afraid it will.

Jake once again took a moment to read my message before looking back up at me but I turned away.

"Paige..." Jake said quietly. "Just because you're afraid doesn't mean you're weak. You stood up the Ghetsis by running away, twice. Being brave doesn't mean you don't have fears, it doesn't mean that you're not afraid. Being brave is being able to stand up and do what you think is right, being able to face them."

I looked back at Jake who was smiling a little. He scooted over a little closer. "You stood up to him, even though you were afraid, you did it. That makes you brave."

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I burst into tears and started crying into Jake's shirt. I don't know why exactly but it was like everything inside of me just wanted to burst out at the same moment.

Jake wrapped his arms around me, rubbing small circles on my back. "It's okay to cry. I won't let go."

I sobbed quietly for a few more minutes and not once did Jake let me go. He held me close, gently telling me that it would all be alright and he would stay with me.

"Do you know what I've been afraid of?" Jake said after I'd calmed down a bit.

I wiped my eyes and looked up at him waiting for him to answer.

"I've been afraid I'd loose you. You've become so close to me I feel like I've known you for a long time. When Nicole... took you away I felt like a failure. All I wanted was to turn back the clock and be able the change what had happened." Jake looked like he was going to cry now. "Then when N came and told us that he was going to get you out I knew I had to be there for you because I knew you were depending on me and I didn't want to break that."

I smiled and hugged Jake, he hugged me back. "I won't let anything hurt you anymore. I will always fight for you."


I was sooooooo tempted to make Miku jump out at them squealing "MIKU KAWAII!" but I thought it would be a bit mean.

Please vote, comment and have a magic lollipop ✨🍭✨



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