11~ hatching magic

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>Paige's pov<

I skipped off the ship, Jake, Milly and my Pokemon not far behind me, looking around the bustling city. The sights and sounds were like nothing I've ever seen before. I skipped off down a random street looking at everything around me, everything new.

Until Samurai grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me back in the direction we'd come from.

:HEY!: I pouted.

~You cant keep on running off Paige.~ He sighed. ~You left Jake, Milly and Gardenia behind.~

:But I wanted to look at the pretty city: I whined.

~Well lets get back to your friends before we decide where we go.~

I crossed my arms and pouted as Jake, Milly and Gardenia came back into veiw. Gardenia was holding my egg... Oops I think I almost left it behind.

That's a first...

Gardenia held out my egg in its case, I accepted it and held it close while Samurai rolled his eyes. ~Some parent you are going to be.~

:Hey, I raised you and Gardenia from an egg, that must count for something:

~Yeah but you didn't need to carry us around all the time. You just stayed wherever we were all the time for seven years.~

:Please don't remind me: I said nervously, shifting from foot to foot.

~Okay, I won't.~ Samurai smiled, placing a hand on my head. ~Just stop running off.~

I poked my tongue out at Samurai while Gardenia summarised mine and Samurai's conversation to Jake and Milly.

I pulled at Jake's sleeve trying to get him to follow me but he took his time wondering down the streets. I pouted as I was forced to walk at the slowest pace ever.

I looked down at my egg. This is boring, isn't it?


:Who keeps on saying that, what's your name?: I looked around. Samurai and Gardenia obviously couldn't here it.

~Your? Name?~ It said in a questioning tone.

:I'm Paige, who are you?:


:Arg, I give up:

It was silent again and my egg started to flash again I went wide eyed this time it was brighter an went longer.

Jake, Milly, Samurai and Gardenia turned around to look at me, staring at my egg in amazement.

"It's hatching." Jake said excitedly.

My eyes widened and I squatted down, opening the case as I did so. I gently wrapped my fingers around the egg and pulled out my egg. Its surface was wet, small beads of water dripped along the glowing eggs surface and splashed onto the ground. I noticed that it was warmer then it had been previous times I'd held the egg.

I held it gently as it flashed again and again. It suddenly stopped flashing all together, instead it glowed a brighter blue. Two long antenna thingys grew from the top, little orb like things forming on each end, two club like arms popped from ether side, folding over the body of the Pokemon hatching. The bottom became wider and flat.

The glowing eased and a small blue Pokemon was lying in my arms. It had long blue antenna with small spheres on the ends and club like arms folded over its chest. It's had yellow circles around each eye with two yellow circles above, connecting them were thin black lines.

~Mana phy?~ It said looking up at me with bright blue eyes.

Jake pulled out his Pokédex, a cool device that told about Pokemon, and scanned the small Pokemon in my hands.

"Manaphy the Seafaring Pokemon." The mechanical voice of the Pokèdex rang out.

Little is known about this Pokemon. It is said that 80% of it body is made of water and will bond with the first thing it sees thinking that this is its mother. Manaphy is a water type and knows the moves Bubble, Water sport and Tail glow.

I starred into Manaphy's large blue eyes and smiled. :You're cute:

~Mana cute?~ I heard the voice again. Manaphy cocked her head to the side, her small mouth making a small 'o' shape.

:It is you!:

~Mana me mana me!~ She exclaimed aloud, throwing her arms in the air.

We all laughed. :I'm gonna name you Miku:

~Mana Miku mana Miku!~ she squealed, clapping her hands together.

I smiled and hugged the small blue Pokemon.

"So her name's Miku then?" Milly asked.

I nodded and gave her another hug. :I'm gonna love you forever:

~Love you? Miku love you!~ She said hugging me back.

Jake poked my shoulder and held out a blue Pokéball with  a wavy-bubbly pattern. "This is a Dive ball Paige. Water Pokemon like this Pokéball better than others so you should use it to catch Miku." He smiled as I accepted the Dive ball from Jake.

:Wadda ya say Miku, ready to become a member of the family?: I asked her.

~Miku family? Miku family!~ She squealed in happiness.

I smiled and tapped the Dive ball on her head and it sucked her in and shook in my hand then clicked. I smiled and pressed the button in the middle and let Miku out.

~Miku family?~ She cocked her head looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I nodded. :Forever:

~Miku family forever! Miku family forever!~

I gave her another hug. :Forever and ever:



*Hugs Miku* you are adorable.

Miku: ~Miku adorable! Miku adorable~

Bye-bye now


P.s I've posted a new book called 'The Rockets rules' it would be great if you could check it out vote and comment if you want and remember sharing is caring. (^0^)/

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