30~ breaking free

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>Paige's pov<

I was woken up by my door was hurriedly pushed open. Wait... when did I fall back asleep? I don't remember falling asleep... I looked to see Samurai holding me close to him

N looked over at me and sighed when he saw I was awake. I cocked my head to the side, something was bothering him I knew it.

N walked to my side and forced a smile. Okay, something was definitely wrong. "How you feeling?"

I shrugged slightly, but winced at the pain in my shoulder.

"Still sore?"

I nodded and closed my eyes for a second while leaning into Samurai's chest, thinking not for the first time what I'd ever done to be in this position.

"Do you think you could get Samurai to carry you? Ghetsis and Nichole just left and it's practically empty here. I can sneak you out easily so we can get you some proper help."

~You alright with that Paige?~ Samurai asked gently. ~If you're to sore we can wait a little.~

I shook my head. :I want to get out of here as soon as I can and that's now:

Samurai nodded and slipped his arm under my legs and the other gently around my back. I wrapped my good arm around his neck to help steady myself while I rested my injured one on my lap so as not to hurt it more.

I noticed that I was no longer in my frilly white shirt and pink skirt, but now in a light blue tank top with white shorts. My top had white stitching along the edges a fluffy white dog like Pokemon stood proudly in the middle. I don't think I've ever seen this type of Pokemon before (but then again I hadn't seen many) the scruffy Pokemon had a black face and paws with a blue nose. The shorts matched the shirt with blue stitching around the edges and had the same dog-like Pokemon's face in the corner.

Thinking about my new outfit momentarily distracted me from the pain in my back but as soon as Samurai took a step forward I gasped in pain, squeezing my eyes shut and tightening my grip on my Pokémon

~Are you alright? Maybe we should wait...~ Samurai said, he sounded really worried. The cuts must be really bad... they do hurt a lot.

I shook my head. :I don't like it here. I want to get out. Please Samurai: I begged him. I was scared that when Getsis of Nichole came back they would hurt me again. I didn't want that to happen again.

Samurai looked down into my pleading eyes and sighed. With a brief nod of his head he carried me over to N.

I noticed N had a white shoulder bag slung over his shoulder, it matched the outfit I had on do my guess is that is was for me since it matched my outfit.

N peeked out of the door and nodded to us. "No one's out there, but for now I suggest you return your Pokemon. Just to be safe." N said looking at Nyuu, Gummie, Angel, Miku and Gardenia who all stood waiting.

I hesitated before nodding as N handed me my other pokéballs. I returned my Pokemon and sighed.

N nodded and handed me the bag. "It had food and cloths and stuff that you'll need. I also stole your white stone back. I don't think Ghetsis even noticed it was here."

I smiled a little at N and nodded, accepting the bag and tucking my Pokéballs safely inside the first pocket while N motioned for Samurai to follow him.

We walked down so many hallways I couldn't keep track. This place was a lot bigger than I thought. I always thought that I'd cleaned most this place but boy was I wrong. I didn't even know how N knew his way around so well.

I shifted my position, but winced at the pain in my back. It hurt a heap. I didn't even know what I'd done to Nicole to make her hate me so much, let alone Ghetsis. I didn't even know who they were before they kidnapped me.

I took a deep breath in when I froze. The air was fresher. Don't ask me how I knew that cause after seven years locked up I can tell the difference between this places stale air and the sweet fresh air outside and this was defiantly fresher.

Sure enough, N pushed open a small door, barely noticeable and led Samurai and I though it to the outside world.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the Pokemon. It was night time so it was mostly bug Pokemon chirping but it was still music to my ears. It had only been a few days but it felt like years since I've been outside. The two weeks I'd previously had wasn't enough.

The fluttering of a Pokemon brought me to open my eyes and look a a large grey bird Pokemon with a red crest and face. He looked big enough to carry two people. He had a proud look in his eyes with a cocky sort of smirk.

"This is Unfezent. He'll take you to the place you're to meet up with Jake, Mill and Makayla."

:Isn't N coming with us?: I asked Samurai.

Samurai repeated my question to N who shook his head. "I need to make sure Ghetsis doesn't find out your missing. That way he won't bother you anymore."

I frowned and nodded as Samurai climbed on Unfezant's back setting me down gently on his feathery back.

N said something to the large grey bird before nodding, Unfezent copied his action before taking flight.

I was to tired to pay attention to the flight, instead I fell into a dreamless sleep in Samurai's arms.


I woke up as N's Unfezant landed in a snowy clearing, just off a route somewhere. Samurai helped me down, sitting me carefully next to a tree before turning to the Unfezent and talking in Pokétalk.

Samurai ended with a nod and N's Unfezent flew back in the direction we'd come from.

~Jake, Milly and Makayla are coming here. As long as we stay here we should be fine.~

:How long will that be?: I asked pulling the coat N gave me in my bag tighter around me.

Samurai shrugged. ~Apparently Makayla had a bad sense of direction, could be hours, days, weeks, months, years.~ he said dramatically.

Hey I'm meant to be the over dramatic one! He stole my thing... hey that's also my thing! I grumbled to myself.

:But I want them to be here now!:

Samurai sighed and sat by my side. ~We're going to have to be patient. Jake, Milly and Makayla will get here as soon as they are able.~ He gently pulled me into his lap.

I rested my head in his shoulder, listening to his steady heart beat.

:At least I have me freedom back: I smiled a little closing my eyes.

For now at least.



And I have a little Christmas surprise for you all. I update the prologue of 'Why us?' into my 'Randomness is Awesomeness' book if ya want to check it out.

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