28~ hope

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~Paige's pov (A/N oh come on. Did you really think I would kill her off? XD not yet my dear friends, not yet.)

I woke up in my own bed which surprise me. I thought I fell asleep on the floor with Angel next to me. Surely she wasn't big or strong enough to carry me into my bed... Not on her own

I slowly looked around but winced at a searing pain in the back of my neck. Wha-... Ooooh.... I remember Nicole.

The memory of what had happened sent shivers down my back and I quickly glanced around in fear that Nicole might still be near. I was scared that if she was here, that she would hurt me.

To my surprise I saw all my Pokemon sleeping around me, I smiled seeing them all okay. I'd missed them all a lot. My friends, my family. Being without them had broken a small hole in my heart and them being here helped fill it.


I looked over at Angel who was curled up with Nyuu, Miku and Gummie against my hip/legs. She was looking up at me with her liquid brown eyes. She looked worried and shameful for some reason... I get worried but why shameful...?

She walked up to me slowly, being carful not to wake my other Pokemon. She sat a down a little closer to me. I went to raise me right hand to pat her but flinched when pain shot through it.

I whimpered a little at the pain. It frightened me and the thought if who caused it frightened me even more.

~E-eevee.~ Angel said shaking her head while nuzzling my hand.

At this point Samurai- who was sleeping in a chair beside my bed- woke up. He looked relieved as he stood up and walked closer to my bed, kneeling beside Gardenia, waking her up in the process.

~How are you feeling Paige?~ He said quite and calmly.

:Tired and my back and arm hurt a lot: I replied truthfully, whimpering slightly in fear and pain.

Samurai nodded, giving a small reassuring smile. ~Those cuts are deep. But you should be fine.~

:Should be?: I flinched slightly.

Samurai smiled. ~You're going to be fine. Promise.~

Promise... that word was becoming almost meaningless to me. So many times I'd put my trust in someone and so many times they're promise was broken. My whole life was built on broken promises as I continued to get my hopes up and continued to get hurt. But I could trust Samurai right? He would never let anything hurt me, he'd always been there to protect and comfort me.

I nodded and attempted to sit. Quickly falling back down a pain shot though my back as if it had just been cut. Tears stung my eyes but I held them in. For once, I wanted to hide from everything even my Pokemon. I felt ashamed at how weak I'd been, how weak I was to let Nicole and Ghetsis to push me around. To let them hurt and scare me time and time again. Right now, I just wanted to hide from everyone and everything.

Samurai placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled a little. ~You know you can talk to me Paige. You're my family and I'm yours. If you wanna talk, you can if not I'll respect that.~

I snuffled a little and nodded, placing my good hand over his. With Samurai I felt stronger, sure he didn't have much battle experience but he would protect me. He always had and I hated myself for even thinking he would break a promise to me. Break a promise that so may others had.

I decided to tell Samurai, he and Gardenia had always been there for me and that wasn't groin to stop now. :I'm j-just scared: I said meekly. :I feel so weak and vulnerable. Twice already while I've been back here I've been hurt and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. I am weak and pathetic. Just like Nicole and Ghetsis said: a small tear escaped from my eye. :I probably shouldn't even exists. I... I mean I can't even sit up without it hurting and that what scares me... pain:

Samurai's eyes softened. ~Paige, you're not weak or pathetic. You are just listening to what the wrong people say. You are a strong and beautiful young girl.~

I shook my head but winced at the pain in the back of me neck. :But I'm not strong. I've let myself get pushed around my whole life and I'm to scared to fight back:

Gardenia spoke this time. ~Paige you were locked up down here for seven years. That would crush a lot of people, turn them into depressed and scared people but you still managed to be strong. You found a game in everything you saw the wonder and joy most people would ignore. You might not be able to fight back physically but you have the strongest mind I've ever seen.~

My tears were now flowing freely as I struggled to hug my two Pokemon. I ignored the pain as I threw my arms around them, sobbing into their arms. I felt safe, I felt wanted, I felt free in their arms. For a moment I forgot about pain, I forgot about Ghetsis and Nichole, I forgot about the little hole in my heart that had been slashed open after being locked up for seven years.

I just felt hope.



Sorry it took so long. I really wanted this to be a mushy sorta chapter with Paige not dying. See I don't rip people hearts out by killing the main character. *looks at I'll smile for you* TT0TT

Milly: you killed Emma

SMG: O_O oh... er... um... well would you look at the time. I need to go... do... something. BYE *flees*

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