39~ we all have our reasons

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>Jake's pov<

We decided to make camp early tonight since Paige was still shaking slightly and jumping at the smallest noise. N unfortunately still had to go, but he agreed to stay a while, until Paige settles more.

"Hey Milly?" Kay asked with a sly smirk.

"What?" Milly asked, looking up from feeding Scout a berry.

"Would you forget me in a week?"


"Would you forget me in a day?"


"Would you forget me in an hour?"


"Would you forget me in a minute?"


"Would you forget me in a second?"

"Is there a point to all this?"

"Just answer."


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"I thought you wouldn't forget me."

Everyone burst out laughing apart from Paige who looked confused for a moment before she giggled a bit. Paige was sitting next to N, leaning against his chest while N had his arm around her.

No, I'm not jealous...

Okay maybe a little...

Fine, a lot then.

Samurai was sitting in tree, causally watching everyone while leaned against the trunk with his hands behind his head and leg hanging over the side if the branch.

Gardenia was sitting at the base of the tree with Miku, Nyuu and Gummie sleeping soundly around her. Angel was sitting between N and Paige watching the fire with her amber-brown eyes.

This went on a while, Kay telling lame jokes while we tried not to laugh for as long as we could. Paige eventually drifted off in N's arms while the rest of us conversed on random topics. It turns out N was actually a pretty cool guy. He was interested in mechanics and was the one who educated Paige on a lot of things while she was in the Plasma castle.

"I think its time I go." N sighed, stroking Paige's hair.

"Already?" Milly frowned.

N nodded. "If I stay out to long Ghetsis will get cross and with him already angry with Paige, it's not really something that needs to be added with the long list of reasons of why he would like to get rid of her." N shook his head.

At Ghetsis's name we all tensed a bit and Samurai growled slightly.

"Why do you work with Ghetsis?" I asked. "I mean, he's been responsible for Paige being hurt multiple times. You care about her but continue to work for him."

N frowned slightly and looked down at Paige who sneezed as perfectly timed as if it was on queue, it was adorable considering she looks like she's eight years old. N smiled and rubbed her arm.

"People and Pokemon can not live together. People abuse the power of Pokemon and force them into battle. Ghetsis is the only person who is willing to make my ideals reality." N explained as if he was telling a story. "Paige was never meant to get muddled up in all this."

"What do you mean?" Kay asked.

N looked over at Kay. "You were her old friend right? The one from the orphanage?"

Find my voice &lt;Pokemon fanfic&gt; Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat